Purchasing a grave in a qabrastaan
Q: Is it permissible to buy a qabar (grave) in a qabristan and keep it only for the family members who die? No outsiders are allowed to be buried in it.
Q: Is it permissible to buy a qabar (grave) in a qabristan and keep it only for the family members who die? No outsiders are allowed to be buried in it.
Q: I am a medical scientist working in a research facility. Our work is to develop new medications and treatments for various diseases.
When we need to test a certain medication to see its effectiveness, side effects, etc, we use lab rats as our test specimens. We first infect the rat with the disease and then inject it with the medication to see the result. In some cases, other animals are used as well.
Recently, this began to bother me, as I realised that we are abusing and harming these creatures. However, we have to test the medications on some subject, and we obviously cannot do so on people. What should we do?
Q: Can I purchase a motorcycle on instalments? The original price is 44 500 and on instalments I have to pay 63 000 in 1.5 years on equal instalments of 3000 a month. Is it right or is it sood?
Q: My daughter left our home 4 years ago to live with her father who is a murtad. This was done without my knowledge or consent. Subsequently the step mother had been raising her and introduced her to a Christisian lifestyle. We tried to prevent this and get her to move back home where we are Muslim. The law enforcement informed me that I would be charged with kidnapping if I was to remove her from their house as she was already 18 years old.
Throughout these 4 years she has lived the life of a Christian and has tattoos on her body. I have chosen to not be in contact with her as she refused to change her ways as she was raised in a Muslim household. I have 3 younger children and feel that my attention should be with them.
Recently I was informed that she had fallen pregnant by a Christian guy who she lives with and subsequently the baby has died.
My family are now blaming me even though I've tried my outmost to make her understand that the lifestyle and choices she made is against our religion. Certain family members are going behind my back to support her even though they know she is living as a Christian.
Can I have advice on this matter as my other kids are suffering because of all the stress this child has brought to my family.
Q: I would like to know if paying zakaat through the following service is permissible: http://nzf.org.au
Q: All products in retail stores across the country, including fast food sellers have halaal certificates from SANHA or other halaal organisations. Are they halaal or not?
Q: Can you please explain to me in simple words what is Riba?
Q: There are some online stores which offer a subscription to their program for a monthly fee. Among the benefits of being a member is that one will receive a discounted price if he has to purchase any item from that store. Is it permissible for one to take up such a subscription?
Q: There was an armed robbery at my house. The robbers demanded money. My mother keeps my brothers, father's and my money all together. She gave them everything that was there. She now wants to know if she owes this money to us since she gave it to them
1. Zaid said the word sana before reciting the complete subhanakalluhamma wabihamdika... in salah, is the salah valid?
2. Zaid said the word Durood Ebrahim before reciting the whole Durood Ebrahim in salah, is the salah valid?
3. Zaid said the word dua before reciting the whole dua in salah, is the salah valid?