Making wudhu in the shower

Q: I have just recently become baaligh. I have been performing all my salaah and have not missed any. However, I used to make "wudhu" while showering. One day, I realised that sometimes while showering I did not wash my face and make masah (faraaidh of wudhu). I cannot recall how many salaahs I have performed in this manner. Please advise what I should do.

Marrying a man who committed zina


1. What does Islam say about doing zina before marriage? My husband committed zina with his cousin before marrying me and continued committing zina with her after we got married. My husband told me about it when his cousin was gettind married to someone else.

2. He said that it is his right since Islam allowed 2nd or 3rd marriage. So whatever he had done, it was his RIGHT in Islam.