Disposing of haraam money

Q: A person had some haraam money many years ago which he got from friends where they all use to work. They took the money from their work place and divided among themselves. Now that person saved the money and mixed it with his halaal money and bought something. The portion of halaal money was 90 percent and haraam money was 10 percent.

Later he sold the thing and realised his mistake and repented for his act and decided not to do this again. He then moved to some other country and performed Umrah from his halaal money. He repented again and got the feeling to get rid of that haraam portion of money.

He gave that money as charity and had put some in iftaar box in a masjid which he regrets. He should not have put that in the iftaar box. He is not sure if his intention was for sadaqa or charity. But he sincerely repented and never earned haram money again.

Now after so many years, he is not sure if he has disposed of all that money or not. Can he take some money out from his halaal money and give some charity to people who collect charity money and buy food for poor families just to be on the safe side that all that portion of haraam is dispossed off?

Islamic games on WhatsApp groups

Q: I have a question regarding my mother’s WhatsApp Islamic group. She spends most of her time on her WhatsApp Islamic group playing games related to Hadith and Quraanic aayaat. One groups name is Quraan Rapid Fire. All are ladies players, but none of them are Aalimaa and scholars. They just search the internet for answers. It seems unpleasant and inappropriate to me and my father. Your suggestion in order to avoid arguments and confusion will be much appreciated.

Adulterer marrying a chaste woman

Q: I'm a 26 year old Muslim man. I committed zina multiple times with a Hindu female friend after which I felt guilty and asked Allah for forgiveness. I stayed away from zina after that.

Now my parents are searching for a good and practicising Muslim girl for my marriage but I am not sure whether it is halaal for me to marry a good and chaste Muslim woman, as I have read that a zaani marries a zaaniya or a mushrikah. Please tell me what to do.

Mother cursing daughter

Q: I have a best friend and when she was young her mother always used bad words or would curse her saying "Go and eat so and so pooh". Presently she feels that because her mother used these words, her life is miserable. She always struggles in life with work and even with her proposals. Whenever she gets a good proposal, it breaks up and she feels guilty because Allah Talla accepted her mothers curse. She even helped her mother whenever she was hospitalized and financially. What is the Islamic way how on how a daughter should be treated? What would be the status of the mother on the day of judgement and how can my friend overcome this situation? She always repents to Allah for these curses.

Using a western toilet


1. Is it allowed to use the western toilet in Islam?

2. While performing instinja on an indian toilet, water splashed on my feet and body from my private parts. Also sometimes, water splashes from the toilet surface. Are these splashes impure? 

Best durood to recite

Q: Does reciting Durood “Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa’ala aali Sayyidina Muhammad wa baarik wa sallim” and “Wa sallallaahu alan Nabiyyil Ummiy” have the same virtues?

I have the intention of recting durood 1000 times a day. Which one is more beneficial?