Hadith regarding aiding and supporting unjust rulers

Q: What is the meaning of this?

ليأتين عليكم أمراء يقربون شرار الناس ويؤخرون الصلاة عن مواقيتها فمن أدرك ذلك منكم فلا يكونن عريفا ولا شرطيا ولا جابيا ولا خازنا

Imam Ibn Hibban (rahimahullah) has recorded this Hadith and has declared it authentic.

(Sahih Ibn Hibban; Al Ihsan, Hadith: 4586. Also see: Musnad Abi Ya’la, Hadith: 1115 and Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. 5 pg. 240)

Selling books with animate objects

Q: I want to sell physical health eBooks that may contain a few images of humans for the purposes of demonstration e.g. a fitness eBook demonstrating how to perform an exercise or movement. Both male and female images are found in the books and at times, a portion of the awrah of the males and females are exposed. However, this is for demonstrational and educational purposes.

What is the ruling on this and if I had earned wealth through selling these books, what is the status of my wealth, is it halaal or haraam?

Framing photos for people

Q: I work as a picture framer. Sometimes I receive photos of people for framing. Occasionally, Hindus bring bhagwaans for framing. Christians bring pictures of Jesus and Jews bring things of their religion. What should I do in these situations?

Hurmat-e-musaaharah becoming established through touching a woman with lust

Q: I had read that hurmat-e-musaharah take place only if there was a lawful relationship. I just saw a post that if a man committed zina with a women he cannot marry his daugther. But if he wasn't married to that women and was mislead by shaitan.

Below is what I found.

On the other hand Imam Shaafi (rahmatullahi alaihi) is of the view that hurmat-e-musaharah is established only through lawful intercourse and not through unlawful sexual intercourse or touching.

Urine splashes on toilet seat

Q: I have had rectal problems for the past couple of years and I try to keep a slight gap at the back when I sit on the toilet. However, it felt like something fell on my back and I knew for sure it could not have been urine splashing on me. Later, I tried to check if urine splashes fell on me, but I couldn't tell. When I went the third time I saw one splash fall on the seat, so I was worried if this was happening all the time but I was unaware.

My questions are:

1. Do I have to have a shower and change anything that could have come in contact with me?

2. Are all of my prayers valid?

3. Have I made anything najis from touching that part of my body?

4. This is how most people use the toilet so should I tell my family members to be careful and sit all the way back.

Woman thinking of her father in-law

Q: If a woman thinks her husbands private part is her father in laws private parts or thinks they maybe similar to her father in laws private parts, and imagines her husband's private part and maybe also imagines the father in laws. Whilst having these thoughts (she hasnt actually seen them nor does she wish too) does thinking and imagining this affect the nikaah of the woman and her husband. She obviously knows her husband's private parts are his but she just got the thoughts explained above.