Keeping an animal hide on the floor
Q: Is it permissible to have animal hide on the floor in one's house?
Q: Is it permissible to have animal hide on the floor in one's house?
Q: I read the following Hadith in a Tibb kitaab, however, the English translation of the last two words does not seem to be suitable. Please may the correct translation of the following be provided:
"Hazrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) says that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that those who take 21 raisins (الزبيب) daily will be free from all diseases which give rise to inferior complex. [Abu Nu-aim: 813]"
Q: Is it allowed to seek help/advise from non-Muslim when one is stuck in a problem. It is also possible that he will not help or give the advice.
Q: What is the correct method of practising on this Hadith? Is it three times each?
Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Khubayb (radiyallahu’anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) said: ‘…Recite Qul huwallahu Ahad, Qul A’udhu bi Rabbil Falaq and Qul A’udhu bi Rabbin Nas, thrice every morning and evening. It will suffice you for everything.’
(Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 5041 and Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3575) Imam Tirmidhi (rahimahullah) has declared this Hadith authentic (Hasan Sahih Gharib) . ‘Allamah Nawawi (rahimahullah) has also declared it authentic (sahih). Refer: Al-Adhkar, Hadith: 216.
Q: Recently, while in a supermarket, I picked up a bottle of detergent and placed it in my trolley to purchase it.
A few minutes later, I saw that the bottle was leaking as the lid had not been screwed on completely. Approximately one quarter of the liquid had leaked out.
I left the bottle on the shelf, paid for my other items and left. It thereafter occurred to me that when I had picked up the detergent with the intention of purchase, I became liable for it. However, either the manufacturer or supermarket had not screwed the lid on correctly, and that was not my fault.
Am I responsible for the item? Should I return to the store and compensate them for it?
Q: I understand that if a person is in a Musjid-e-Kabeer, he may pass in front of a musallee, provided there is one saff or more between him and the musallee.
1. Does this rule also apply to a jamaat khana or a musalla that is equal in size to a Musjid-e-Kabeer or larger than it?
2. Does this rule apply in the sehn that is joined to the Musjid-e-Kabeer but is not regarded as part of the musjid?
Q: I own a shop that sells ornaments, glassware, crockery, etc.
Often, customers pick up items to examine them and then drop them accidentally, causing them to break.
Similarly, customers sometimes place items in their trolley to purchase, but then drop another item on top of the first item, causing it to become damaged. The customer then says that they don't want the item because it's damaged.
In the above two situations, can I hold the customer liable for the item and charge him for it?
Q: My son and daughter are small and sleep together in one bed.
At what age should I separate them and place them in different beds?
If I had two sons, would it be permissible for them to continue sleeping in the same bed, even as they get older?
Q: I have a seven year old son that is disabled.
Since he is incapable of seeing to his needs, his mother and I attend to him and bath him, change his diapers, wash him, change his clothing, etc.
1. We always try to attend to him in private so that his satr is not exposed to people unnecessarily. However, is it permissible for us to look at his satr while bathing him, changing his diaper, etc, to ensure that it has been cleaned adequately?
2. When performing his istinjaa and cleaning his satr area, I do so with my bare hand. Sometimes, I need to apply medication to these areas as well and do so with my bare hand. Is this permissible?
3. When he gets older, will it be impermissible for his mother to attend to these needs of his? If so, at what age will this apply?
Q: I had an agreement with a government department since 2004 to supply them with parts (quantity of 30) and they took 15 parts from me in 2005. They did not pay the amount for the 15 parts. The remaining quantity was held up in our stock.
After about 14 years, now they picked up the remaing quantity of 15 parts, and then they paid the whole amount of 30 parts.
Is zakaat due on this money when it is received? Or is zakaat due on the last 14 years?