Father in law hugging and kissing daughter in law
Q: Is it permissible for a father in law to hug and kiss his daughter in law as she is young?
Q: Is it permissible for a father in law to hug and kiss his daughter in law as she is young?
Q: Can someone do masah on socks while doing wudhu for salaah?
Q: I have made up my mind to take a second wife. I have four young children from the first marriage. I am concerned about not being able to spend enough time with the kids to participate in their tarbeeyah as I am a busy doctor and usually come home after Maghrib. Can I keep some or all of my kids with me when I am spending the evening and night with my second wife?
Q: Can a woman go to the graveyard to visit the grave of her parents? Not often, just once in a while and that too in complete purdah?
Q: I enhanced a software related to point of sale. The owner sells it in UAE and I live in Pakistan. Can I sell the software in Pakistan without the owner's permission?
Q: I am a college teacher. My winter break started from 23 Dec 2018 to 18 Feb 2019. I delivered a baby girl on 26th Dec 2018, just three days after the start of the winter break. I am entitled to 6 months maternity leave.
Can I submit the said leave after my winter vacation is over so that I will get 6 months more with my baby? The leave rules in our state mention that maternity leave can be availed a little before delivery or after delivery. Is it wrong if I show my delivery date a month later in my documents?
1. According to hadiths, the believer who is able to answer the three questions from the angels sent to the grave for questioning will be given a garden from paradise and will have a pleasant experience inside the grave. Based on this alone, would the person experiencing this still have anxiety on the day of judgement?
2. Would this blessing of the grave already give them an indication as to how their fate will be decided? Does being blessed in the grave and the lack of punishment mean that the fate has already been decided by Allah Ta'ala?
Q: I was looking online for makeup and accidently came across a makeup product that had an obscene picture on it and my body reacted to it, but I looked away immediately. Do I have to check to see if mazi that had come out?
If I don't check my undergarments, should I wipe to see what it is?
Q: A woman's husband's parents are sleeping in the same room as the woman (their daughter in law) and her husband (their son). It has been almost 3 weeks and the daughter in law is very annoyed as it is an invasion of her privacy and her parent in laws should not be sleeping with her and her husband.
The woman and her husband sleep on the bed whilst her husbands parents sleep on the floor with a mattress. So the woman and husband are higher from the ground than the parents.
The woman (daughter in law) was laying on her side and the husband (son) got up moving the duvet. It was unknown that the father in law was sitting upright on the floor mattress to which he would be able to see the woman and her husband on the bed. Whilst the woman was laying on her side, her right side of her chest, the skin/flesh of her right breast was exposed. Only the skin was exposed and not the full breast. The father in law uinintentionally looked and then quickly lowered his gaze, he shouldnt have been looking in the first place to be honest.
The woman told her husband and he said that his father wouldn't have seen it, he has weak eyesight.
If the father in law had looked at the skin exposed does hurmate apply and affect the nikah of the woman (daughter in law) and her husband (son)?
Q: Does one have to make qadhaa of sunnah salaah?
For example, if a person misses the sunnah salaah for Zuhr, and performs 'Asr, should he perform the qadhaa of Zuhr sunnats?