Taking permission from the first wife to take a second wife
Q: I want to marry a second wife, do I need permission from my first wife?
Q: I want to marry a second wife, do I need permission from my first wife?
Q: My bestfriend is 20 years old. He was raised as a Muslim but he had some misconceptions about Islam. He left Islam once and came back but he still wasn't 100% convinced and he was scared. Now he isn't scared anymore and he doesn't believe in god anymore. He studies advanced physics and most physicists don't believe in god. He says that there's no evidence of god, no evidence of splitting of the moon and no evidence that Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was a real prophet. He says religion started several wars and killed many innocent people and how Allah would be fair to send people in the past prophets and miracles and now Allah doesn't give us any proofs. It was also written in the Qur'an that we existed 6000 years ago and it's been found by fossils that our species existed 200000 years ago. What should I do?
Q: I received this message and wanted to comment back to help him correct what needs to be corrected, but I wanted some guidance on how to respond.
"True... But Muslim social norms today mean women do not interact with men therefore they do not know whom they want to marry... In the time of the Prophet and Sahabi there was much more interaction. Indeed women would pray behind men. Therefore women knew who they were marrying... We have messed up the system. In our system (not Islamic. Just ultra conservative) women are forced to marry who their parents want them to... Those marriages are technically nil and void. Woman can walk away and say I'm technically not married. Furthermore we have created huge stigma on divorce... even though this was recorded and documented all the way back to Ismail A.S. it should be so easy for a divorcee to get re married but our messed up system rejects them unfortunately... Sad"
1. I'm 8 months pregnant and I have lots of discharge every day. I can't even perform salah from one wudhu so what will I have to do?
2. As I have lots of discharge day and night as well so how can I get to know that I have to do ghusl for a wet dream?
Q: My father in law was alive when he distributed his property between his both sons. At that time, one daughter was married and she said that she does not want anything from her father's property. One daughter was unmarried and my father in law was unhappy with her so he didn't give her any right in his property.
The property of my father in law was divided between both his sons only. My father in law passed away some 14 years back and now the married daughter is asking for her share in the property which she refused when my father in law was alive.
My question is, does the married daughter have the right to ask for her share in the property now from her brothers?
Q: How can you prove that the Quran Majeed is not changed, without using the ahaadith?
Q: Are there any scholars that narrate Aisha's (radhiyallahu anha) age being older than 9 when she married Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?
Q: My husband and I did our nikah with the consent and presence of my family. But his family was not involved, neither informed about it since they were not in favor of the nikah. It's been a year now. My husband's family know about the nikah but to this day there has been no rukhsati or waleemah. Can waleema be done now?
Q: Can a person give his zakat to a woman whose husband earns well but he does not give money to his wife?
Q: Can the imam accept the luqma given by a mahram woman who is praying behind him, if the imam makes mistake in the qiraat. Is the namaz valid or becomes void?