Kaffaarah for breaking an oath
Q: What is the kaffarah for not being able to fulfill an oath made to Allah?
Q: What is the kaffarah for not being able to fulfill an oath made to Allah?
Q: Sometimes I have doubts that a small amount of sperm has leaked. When I check, sometimes it will be there and sometimes not. Which can be visible if I check it carefully. In this case do I need to take a full bath or I should wash only my private part or below the waist?
Q: When is the recommended time to recite Surah Mulk and Surah Qiyaamah?
Q: In your fatwa copied below, please advise if the unmarried girl does not know about (or does not have true possession ) of the jewellery. Minor girls may know it is for them but they have practically no control on it.
Zakaat on gifted jewellery
Q: Many years ago, my maternal grandmother had kept an amount of gold jewellery in order to give it to me in my marriage. Later, my mother took it from her, telling her that she would keep it safely until the marriage. So the jewellery is with my mother. Now, since I am unmarried, I have not received it yet. My question is: Who is responsible for the payment of zakah for that particular gold jewellery?
A: If your grandmother gifted the jewellery to you and your mother took the jewellery on your behalf with your knowledge and consent, then it belongs to you and zakaat is compulsory upon you.
Q: I prayed qaza of zuhr and asr during forbidden time before zuhr. Should I repeat it?
Q: I offer qaza prayers of the prayers which I did not offer correctly 4 years ago. I mistakenly offered 3 rakahs of Asr qaza instead of 4 rakahs and then offered Maghrib qaza. Will I have to repeat the maghrib qaza along with the Asr qazaa?
Q: If a person intentionally or unintentionally thinks of things that cause sexual excitement, and then experiences wetness, will this be called a wet dream (احتلام)?
1. If a person in i'tikaaf leaves the masjid to go to the toilet, and at the same time has a shower, will his i'tikaaf break?
2. What if he has a long shower, will this matter?
3. If he goes to the shop to buy something after going to the toilet, would this break his i'tikaaf?
Q: Will I be called homosexual if I only have thoughts of homosexuality but I am a normal man. I will never go close to it insha Allah. I hate it tooo and know that it is haram but I cannot get rid of these thoughts. What should I do?
Q: Please tell me any zikr or dua which I can recite in the labor room and during delivery.