Using an ATM card

Q: Allied bank is giving an ATM card in which we can deposit money from any city and can get money from anywhere with using this card from the branch of that bank and there is no charges of depositing and transactions. There is no need for any account of this. We only have to create an ATM card once from an Allied bank.

My question is that, is this permissible in shariah (deen) or not to use this ATM card? There is no extra money required for depositing and transacting.

Washing an impure floor

Q: I saw urine on the floor so I was wiping it but did not finish it when someone stepped on it but at that time color of water was not like urine but I was not finished. After I finished the same person again stepped on the clean wet floor. Will the floor again become impure or not?

Haidh commencing in the salaah time

Q: In the past I never really paid attention to making up prayers that I missed due to the adhan beginning before I was able to read that prayer.

I forgot the ruling (e.g. if menses stops at isha then pray maghrib and isha and if menses begins at zuhr and one hasn't prayed it, then they have to make it up later).

I’m going to make up the prayer I missed for the recent menstruation cycle I had. Am I allowed to forget about the ones I might have missed in the previous months? It would require me to have to look at past prayer times from different timetables and make estimates and I may have to make up a lot of prayers.

A person with dementia accepting Islam

Q: My grandmother is a non-Muslim. She has dementia so she is not able to understand much at all, but if we can get her to believe in the very basics and say the shahadah, will it be accepted from her even though she forgets the next day that she is a Muslim? Please advice how we can help her accept Islam in a valid way and please make dua that she does so.

Repeating talaaq to pronounce the words clearly

Q: A person was going to give his wife a divorce and the imam had prepared a divorce certificate from which he was supposed to read "I give my wife a talaq ba'in". However when he read it, he misprounced "ba'in" and instead said "I give my wife a talaq bayyin". Therefore the imam asked him to repeat the statement with proper pronunciation whereupon he properly said "I give my wife a talaq ba'in". Did one or two divorces take place?


Q: In Sahih Bukhari I read a hadith that Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) forbade mut'ah. And I also found a hadith that Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) allowed mut'ah in a battle.

So my question is, is mutah still halal in any case, if not then why? 

Beer glasses

Q: We bought martigues glasses but did not know at that time that they are used for beer. We used it for water/juice before we knew. Now they are just stored and we do not use them. Should we dispose them or can we use them?

Husband cuddling his mother

Q: I was telling my husband how I read online by a sheikh/imam that it is not allowed for a grown man to be cuddling his mother whilst laying next to her or for a mother to cuddle her grown son like this. He got annoyed and said she's my mother and I don't want to listen to your nonsense. I asked him further and said what are you calling nonsense? He said that you are saying me or my mother aren't allowed to cuddle each other. I said it isn't nonsense it's not allowed. I have told him this probably atleast 2 or 3 times but I don't think he believes me. He has alot of knowledge of Islam alhamdulliah but he has not read the whole of the quran.

1. Because my husband believes that sleeping next to your mother and cuddling her or her cuddling her grown son is not wrong, does this make him an unbeliever?

2. Does this break my nikah?