Woman swimming in the beach
Q: Is it permissible for a female to swim in the beach? I keep on my scarf and abaya and make sure there is no people around.
Q: Is it permissible for a female to swim in the beach? I keep on my scarf and abaya and make sure there is no people around.
Q: I have some doubts about some sex toys. My wife loves foreplay and for that I bought a love egg vibrator (internal) and a g spot vibrator (partially internal). Now I want to know if thats allowed? Please note that this is not a substitute, it's only for foreplay.
Q: My dad passed away few days back. He left some property and valuables which my family (mother, brother and sisters) do not want to distribute for the time being. Now, how do we calculate zakaat on the property since the purchase price is known but the market price varies.
Do we have to pay zakaat on the house in which we are living?
My dad's office is still open but no major work is taking place since my dad was in a partnership with my uncle and he had given all his business (not office) to him and my uncle is working from there. I used to visit the office on a daily basis for a few minutes and then left for my office. So, do we have to pay zakaat on it also?
We are using my dad's cars and other belongings of my dad, do we have to pay zakaat on these items and what value?
Also, we are giving charity from his belongings but which has more reward, sadaqah or khairaat?
Q: Is it permissible to wrap the hair in a towel and place it on the head when it is wet?
Q: My sister went for umrah... She got her periods on 27 Oct and then it started again on 14 Nov. She has a habit of getting paak in 7 days.
1. How many days will be considered istihaaza?
2. If the bleeding does not stop, then when will haiz start and how long will it be considered as haiz?
Q: My senior officer called me after work hours and told me to do office work. After some days he even took away my vacation days and started to punish me. Is this also a punishment from Allah?
Q: I am a 30 year old woman. I never had a fixed cycle since I got baaligh. Sometimes I bleed after 35 days and next time after 2 months. Sometimes bleeding continues for 4 days and other times for 6 days. I never know when I will bleed. Bleeding always lasts between 3 to 10 days, means it is never less than 3 days and never more than 10 days. After it stops it never comes before 30 days.
My question is sometimes I noticed yellow discharge for once i.e, less than a 1 day time and again the yellow discharge is followed by white discharge. So what should I do? Should I take ghusl and offer my salah or wudhu is sufficient. I really don't know when the actual haidh (bleeding) is going to start. It may be 8 days later or so. The yellow discharge is not continuous. It is for a single time only. Again it is followed by white discharge.
1. So what is my pure period?
2. If yellow discharge happens after 15 days of cleanliness (tuhr) and before actual bleeding and the yellow discharge is found only once or for less than a day time and again white discharged is followed then what should I do.
Can I make ghusl after I see white discharge and perform my salah. What if in case again after 3 to 5 days later I found yellow discharge for once and again followed by white discharge. What should I do in this situation? I always remain clean for more than 30 days.
3. I am planning an umrah trip. My problem is I don't know my actual date of my menstruation. So if it happens that if in the state of ihram if I found yellow discharge then what should I do. Can I make wudhu and perform umrah? I am really confused what should I do.
Q: I peed in my pants recently while in the Haram of Makkah. Is there any kaffarah? I did not mess the floors.
Q: If someones wife says that you don't have Imaan, does it have any effect on his nikaah?
Q: Someone told me that if parents don’t do proper upbringing of children they will be held accountable for it, but everyone is accountable for himself, how do I reconcile between that?
Also if parents are sinful if they don’t teach about a sin to a child and he does it, someone told me that parents won’t be sinful if they don’t directly guide the child to that particular sin, but they will be held accountable for not guiding them. Is it correct?