Changing a child's name due to bad behaviour
Q: I have a question related to my son. He is 3 years old. His name is Mohammad Ali. He is extremely naughty, stubborn and very agressive. I need your advice whether to change his name or not.
Q: I have a question related to my son. He is 3 years old. His name is Mohammad Ali. He is extremely naughty, stubborn and very agressive. I need your advice whether to change his name or not.
1. Should I reply to the "assalamualaikum" written in an auto reply, because it's coming from the computer and is not verbally said?
2. What is the ruling on typing "asak wr wb" and other similar short forms of salaam?
Q: Is a horse breeding business allowed in Islam?
Q: Is it permissible to own a pet store in Islam?
Q: Many women join the men in jamaat salaah in the areas outside Musjid al Haraam in such a way that they stand adjacent to the men. Is the salaah of the men and women valid?
Q: Nowadays, some people are performing salaah in the hotel near the Musjid al Haraam while following the jamaat of Musjid al Haraam. The hotel has speakers installed and the recitation of the Imaam of Musjid al Haraam can easily be heard. However, since the Imaam is not present infront of the muqtadis, I am doubting whether the salaah is valid or not. Is it permissible for people to follow the Imaam in salaah while in their hotel rooms? Similarly, is it permissible to follow the Imaam in the hotel jamaat khaana?
Q: Will masah of the head be valid when hair spray is used on the hair?
Q: A woman has a continuous clear discharge, but cannot be considered ma’zur. By using a tampon to stop the discharge, will her whudhu be valid or does she have to make a new wudhu for each salaah?
Q: In McDonalds, the mocha ice frappe I used to buy was said by McDonalds to be suitable for vegetarians. However, apparently the whip used on top has less than 0.05% alcohol in it. I read this statement by McDonalds: “The level of alcohol is very low and evaporates during the process. The alcohol level in the final Caramel Iced Frappe, Chocolate Chip Iced Frappe and whipped cream is less that 0.05%.“ Does this mean I can purchase the drink based on this knowledge?
Q: A maid recently started coming to our house. Apparently she seems needy. I have asked her about her possessions and she says that she doesn't have any gold/silver and neither do they have any saving. Can I give her zakat? I can not go and investigate myself, will it be sufficient to rely on what she says?