Taking loans on interest in India

Q: From my understanding, scholars in India at one point gave a fatwa that it is permissible to take loans on interest, mainy because they were living in darul harb?

From my understanding Imam Muhammad and Imam Abu Hanifah was a proponent of that position. This position is the dominant opinion in the Hanafi Madhab?

I am asking because this is a fatwa that is in the works in my local community. I have never taken loans in my life and I don't plan on it but I would like to understand the topic further.

Payment made in advance for goods that are not yet produced

Q: I have certain customers who pay via EFT and prefer to make monthly payments in advance. Since they are purchasing milk and eggs from me, often I have not yet received the milk and it has not even been produced yet.

1. What is the correct way for me to conduct the sale with these clients?

2. One of the customers mentioned that they don’t mind me using the money before they have purchased goods to the full value. Is it permissible for me to use it?

3. I have a customer that pays later. After purchasing the products, he sometimes has a complaint that it’s not as fresh as he is used to. If I wish to give him a discount, what would be the best way to do it?

Selling something that is non-existent at the time of the sale

Q: I sell eggs and I keep my stock at my parents’ shop. Once, a staff member from my parents’ shop had taken from my stock which is kept separately and sold it to the customer. It was brought to my attention a while later. As the products were more expensive, I had discounted them when sending the invoice although the goods had already been sold to the customer. Is this permissible?

Guidelines for a ghusal khana

Q: A ghusal khana was constructed in our locality. We want to put up a poster on the wall with a few guidelines regarding the ghusal khana,for example:

1. There should be no mixing of males and females.

2. Only those carrying out the ghusal and those assisting in the ghusal should be present, others should wait outside.

3. Silence should be maintained in the ghusal khana at all times.

4. No item of the ghusal khana should be removed for personal use.

5. No pictures or videos should be taken at any time.

We would appreciate if you could please correct and approve the above together with adding more points.

Shaikh having a WhatsApp group for females

Q: My question is regarding mixed whatsapp groups.

If such a group is created where there is only females and the shaikh as members. No one talks on the group besides the shaikh who sends Islamic messages and audios (majlis, dhikr, etc). There is no informal discussion not even formal ones with question and answer etc. It's just messages being sent by one person. Will it then be permissible to be a member of it? So far I thought mixed group are not jaaiz but maybe there are some permissibility that I am unaware of.