Naats, nazams and nasheeds
Q: What exactly are naats, nazams and nasheeds and which are contrary to Shariah to listen to or to sing?
Q: What exactly are naats, nazams and nasheeds and which are contrary to Shariah to listen to or to sing?
Q: I have a question regarding kaffarah for accidentally killing someone. I read a recent post of yours saying that you have to fast for two months consecutively.
My question is, does one start fasting from the first of the month (so, assuming we follow the hijri calendar, fasting could be for 58-60 days if there are 29/30 days in the month) or can one start anytime and fast for 60 days?
Q: If someone's father is doing unjustice to one's family, should he leave his father or not?
Q: Is editing your own photos haram? I mean I have moles on my face and I don't usually wear makeup to hide it... I edit my photos just to remove the dark circles and spots on my face. Is it haram? I don't make any change to my facial features. I just remove spots and dark circles.
Q: If the parents fail to do proper upbringing of their children, like they fail to tell him that music is haram (but they did not guide him to listen to music), will they get the sin too if their child listens to music?
Q: There are softwares that require us to meet a certain requirement in order to use them. For example, one such software can be downloaded for free, but after a 30-day trial the software asks questions like "How often did you travel by airplane last year?" If we select the "more than 2 times" option, the software stops working and we have to uninstall it. However, if we choose the option "less than 3 times," it lets us continue its use.
1. Will it be permissible to use the software if we select that we flew less than 3 times even though if we did not?
2. If someone other than the user, who did fly less than 3 times, selects that option, can the user continue the software's use? There are websites which have a pop-up that comes up, asking us to subscribe to the website. If we don't want to subscribe, we can close the pop-up by clicking on sentences like "Not yet, I'll subscribe later," or, "No, I don't like to learn."
3. If I don't intend to ever subscribe to the website, then would clicking on these types of sentences to make the pop-up go away be permissible?
4. Would it be a lie?
Q: A few years ago a woman had problems with her menstruation and had alot of pain. She was 2 weeks overdue with her periods. She went to a gynecologist and he gave her some medication for the pain. She took it not knowing that the medication removed a lump of blood. It was the size of her hand. She did not know at that time but she now thinks it could be a featus. She does not know what to do. Because it was flushed down the toilet. Feeling very sad. What is her position regarding the fetus.
Q: What type of fertility treatment would be permissible to conceive a child? My husband and I are desperate to conceive.
Q: Do you get cursed by Allah for all types of zina or only some, if so which?
Q: l have a question about my married life.
I was married for 22 years and I have a daughter of 20 years. 8 months ago I got divorced by my husband. For the last 10 years I have been facing all kinds of family problems. He tortured me mentally and didn't even maintain any physical relations with me for the last 6-7 years. We were living in the same house but separately. He didn't talk to me or see me for months
3 years ago we were in separated for 1.5 years but for the sake of my daughter I went back to his house.After 2-3 months the situation became the same. I left my job to make him happy. He performed hajj 7 years ago but never performs a single salah. He is extremely bad tempered, uses slang words and still maintains several extra marital affairs. His tendency was to find my faults at any coast and always dominated and insulted me. He couldn't show his true colour till my mother-in law was alive because she loved me a lot.
I tolerated everything for my daughter with great hope that Allah (SWT) will fix my problem and I always wanted and want the best Judgement from Him. After my divorce I am mentally free now. I firmly believe that Allah has done the best for my daughter and me. My ex-husband has sent my daughter abroad to study as well as to make his way free. None of his family members supported his disdained activity but support me a lot.
My question is that, is my current situation a punishment for me and a reward to him? I tolerated every situation with sabr. If it is a punishment for me then what and how will be my reward be? If it is a reward for my ex husband, what will he get in return?