Keeping mini dolls and legos

Q: I want to ask about the (mini) dolls or a character like captain or a worker which includes in various lego sets. They have face expression with full body.

1. Can we let the kids play with them?

2. Can we use it after distorting their full face with permanent markers?

3. Can we use it without their head, only the body can be used for playing?

4. Is it totally not allowed to keep them at home?

5. Will our Salah be valid if it is already at home with their face distorted?

Keeping the name Arya

Q: I am blessed with a baby girl.

1. I would like to know what are the considerations to be kept in mind before naming the child according to shariyah.

2. Is a Arabic name a must? Is a quranic name a must?

3. Does date and time of birth pay any part in selecting a child's name? What effects does a name have on the child and his personality?

4. The name my wife and I like is ARYA which is non arabic and non Quranic. It means Nobel and lioness. Has its origin in Hebrew, Sanskrit and Italian. Have not heard any Muslim child in our part of world with this name.

Telling wife that we are separated for 40 days

Q: I got married last year and it was a love marriage. I moved abroad and my wife is still back in my homeland. We fight alot. Before and even after marriage, we beat each other, obviously I am the husband so I beat her harder.

Now, every time we fight, it ends with her asking for talaq, or I tell her to leave me, or I tell her everything ends etc. But recently in messages, we fought again, and as usual she asked me for talaq and this time I said to her that we are separated for 40 days. Then I blocked her from every social media that we keep contact on. I haven't called her or said any words of talaq. 

Child sitting in a tub of water after passing urine or stool

Q: My little brother usually plays in a small tub of water. He was wearing swimming shorts and went to urinate, he didn’t do istinja (he usually doesn’t do it after urination and defecation). Afterwards he came back and sat in the same tub of water. Does the water become impure? I don’t think the smell color and taste of water changed after that.

Relationship between spouses

Q: How should a wife's relationship be with her husband? To what extent should she love and respect her husband?

I have read somewhere that a man and womans relation should be limited because it harms one's iman the most. I don't remember exactly, but it was something like that.

In my life I feel like sometimes my thinking only rotates around him and his little ignorance or bad behaviour or telling me to improve myself (such as hair, weight, accent, etc.) these things make me so sad that I feel difficulty in breathing. I remain sad for a long time and I cannot concentrate in something. I constantly keep saying that he is bored with me or I am not pretty or he doesn't love me, etc. I know I shouldn't do that. But what should I do when I feel bad that my heart starts to ache? 

Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) forgiving the people of Taif

Q: Our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made dua for the people of Taif regardless of their behaviour towards him. But he made bad dua for the king who tore his letter. This is how sometimes he showed mercy and sometimes gave la'nat. Why is it? And why is it higlighted only that he forgave the people of Taif and not the la'nat he gave to that king or the people who used to put garbage on his back during his prayer. Why didn't he forgive them? What should I learn from this?