Q: When a family makes a Quraan khatam, is it correct if one person makes all the sajdahs on completion of the khatam?
Q: When a family makes a Quraan khatam, is it correct if one person makes all the sajdahs on completion of the khatam?
Q: I was confused when exactly should one say "Rabbanna wa lakal hamd". Is it when you rise from bowing immediately or after you put your hands down and stand for a short while before going down?
Q: I prayed asr with an imam. When I was in sujood, the row was tight and my elbows were touching my knees. If I remember correctly, I heard somewhere that you should not let the elbows touch your knees but rather spread them out. But is it essential for prayer to be valid?
Q: Is it permissible to apply semi-permanent tattoos on your body? They usually last for only 8-18 day's.
Q: I gave R500 000 to a factory owner as an investment. Every single month, he gives me R30 000. Is that R30 000 halaal or haraam?
Q: My ring was lost for a period of 2 years. I did not know where I had lost it. I now found my ring. Do I need to pay zakaat for the years during which my ring was lost?
Q: The meaning of a Hindu boy's name is "lord of the world", is it allowed for me to take his name to talk about him with somebody?
Q: During haidh, when I’m getting yellow discharge, how often should I check if my haidh is over?
Q: Does blackened eyes, like even eye lids turning black indicate that a person has become more religious?
Q: It is reported in Sahih Muslim #2556 that "The severer would not enter Paradise". Ibn Umar said that Sufyan (explained it as): "One who severs the tie of kinship would not enter Paradise"
I would like to know 2 things from the above hadith:
1. Does the above hadith talk about blood relationship like your parents, siblings or does it include your relatives like cousins, uncles, etc.
2. Does the above mean a person will never enter paradise if he severs the tie of kinship?