Husband spending time with his friends till late and neglecting his wife's rights

Q: I would like to know as a wife, whether it is a right of mine that my husband spends some quality time with me after work and Esha or is it just me being demanding and ungrateful which is how my husband sees it. Most nights he is at his friend's houses till 11 or 12 and then comes home when I'm already asleep after I've been waiting for him for hours. 

Anytime I bring up an issue, he tells me the hadeeth about the women being the greatest inhabitants of jahannam due to their ungratefulness and keeps saying it's in my nature as a woman. I need to know whether I am just being that type of woman and I just need to be fine with not seeing my husband and just be content that he sleeps next to me at night when he does come home.

Claiming benefits from the government

Q: My friend's mother was a victim of domestic abuse. She separated from her ex husband and applied for benefits in UK. In UK, you have to tell the state if you have any property abroad. She has a house and land abroad but she did not mention it to benefits at that time maybe due to distress or confusion, etc. 

Anyways, now after a few years she has realized she did not give the correct info to benefits. She was told if she reports herself to state then she will get her benefits cut or she may not get benefits for 3 years. She may end up going to prison and will have to return some or all the money she took from state. 

She cares for 2 disabled children and she also herself is ill. If her benefits stop, she will be in great hardship. 

She is thinking of taking her part of inheritance from the home and land and donating it. Would that suffice? 

Is it ok if she doesn't tell the state about her mistake because if she does then the consequences are too dire? 

Can she continue to claim benefits on false info? If she can't claim, she will end up in very hard circumstances. 

Her son also claims benefits and he also never told the state about this but he said he will only inherit property and land after his mother passes away. So he has no right over that property. So he does not have to declare that. Is his take correct? 

What should this family do in this situation?

Selling a product that is out of stock


1. If a customer was to order something that the business didn't own (it wasn't in stock) and rather than paying full price on it, they agreed to put a deposit down and pay full price after the product was delivered to their house and it was fitted into their house (fitting is a separate service and a customer can order a product and request fitting it into their house or they can order a product with the fitting service together). 

Would the income be halal for this? The product will be delivered to the shop first and then the business will send the product to the customers house and fit it. 

2. If you tell a customer that the product isn't in stock and they have to order it in and if they do, they don’t have to pay full price, rather just a deposit and then when the product is delivered to their house or ready to collect from the businesses store, they can pay full price after that, is the income halal?

Verbally giving someone a gift

Q: If a person intends to gift a certain amount of money, around USD 100, to someone when he verbally made a certain statement saying that he has gifted USD 100 to the giftee with the intention of relinquishing his entire right of ownership, granting control to the giftee and spending money in whichever way she pleases on the amount of USD 100, but does not physically hand over the money to the person who is meant to be the giftee. 

Will such a process of gift be considered completed or not?