Killing a cockroach or spider in the state of ihraam
Q: Is it permissible to kill a cockroach or spider found in one's hotel room in Makkah when in the state of ihram?
Q: Is it permissible to kill a cockroach or spider found in one's hotel room in Makkah when in the state of ihram?
Q: I am a web developer. I have a job offer to build a website which will hire male and female models. Is it permissible for me to develop this site?
Q: Does watching movies involving fiction (gods, magic, etc.) invlove shirk or kufr?
Q: Is the following hadith sound?
"The first time period of a prescribed prayer is a means of attaining the consent of Allah and the last time period for the forgiveness of Allah."
Q: Please provide me with the ruling regarding the kaffarah and the compensation to heirs that a woman in the situation below would be eligible for:
A surgical abortion was done at 14 weeks (90 days) without the knowledge of her husband. The woman is now overcome by guilt and wants to repent.
Q: I voted on 25th July,2018 for a party I thought would be a good choice for my beloved country. My father and other family members voted for another party. After my father came to know that I voted for another party and not voted for a pary he voted, he got angry. He thinks I disobeyed him and I defamed the name of our family. I broke down to tears today. I am very upset as I never disobeyed my father intentionally. I always try to obey him as much as I can.
My question is that does Islam allow children to vote for a party/person that they think would be a better choice for their country? or it is mandatory for children to vote for a person whomsoever their parents suggest or order them?
Q: I recently discovered that some of my past actions were kufr and I sent some messages containing shirk. I have sincerely repented and vowed never to do them again. I made a general taubah regarding all my past actions then recited kalimah.
1. I would like to ask if it is necessary to repent specifically for each action as all I have thought about since is remembering specific kalimat I said. Do I need to do tajdeed e iman again if I remember those past actions after making general taubah?
2. Also do I need to perform ghusl after tajdeed e iman?
3. Can tajdeed e iman be made whenn one is junub.
4. What about my prayers that I said while not realising my kufr?
Q: I am a 28 year old divorced Muslimah with no kids. I recently met someone who is keen on making nikaah. He has 2 boys, 11 and 6. I am willing to accept them as my own and mould them into pious young Muslims in sha allah. There is something that I am scared about though. I'm scared of when they decide to become rebellious towards me. How do I react? Will it affect my relationship with my spouse?
Q: I am a person who due to illness cannot concentrate on anything for too long and cannot follow conversations. When I perform my Witr Salaah I cannot recall the Qunoot and sometimes I start then get muddled up and cannot continue further. Prior to my illness I used to recite the qunoot, however now I cannot. Will my salaah be accepted without the qunoot? Is there something which can substitute the Qunoot?
Q: My question concerns the modern day sharing of females' pictures and videos on different social media platforms. What is the Shariah ruling regarding the matter?
Note that those things are already viewable by general public and are not obscene, I just intend to share any video or picture I like for educational/humorous or other beneficial purpose.