Women wearing ankle length socks
Q: I am a woman and I bought black ankle socks in the men's section (the women's section in that shop did not have my size). Am I allowed to wear those socks? Or do I have to buy it from the women's section.
Q: I am a woman and I bought black ankle socks in the men's section (the women's section in that shop did not have my size). Am I allowed to wear those socks? Or do I have to buy it from the women's section.
Q: What is the ruling for the one who had the habit of putting her finger in her private part and satisfying herself. To get rid of this habit she took a qasam that she will not do it again, would the qasam break if her husband does it when she gets married?
Q: Is they something a person can pray for when they have a court case? The case is regarding our son. My wife is trying to take my son away from me. He is doing hifz. He has done 9 juz. He is 9 years old. She doesn't care about all that.
Q: If a person has already performed fard salaah, and some people came to him and told him to say azaan for them so that they may perform their congregational prayer, is the azaan valid ?
Q: My husband has recently demanded that I start working, as he feels that I need to be independent. Before, when I was working, he wanted me to stop as he felt that I was slacking in my marital duties.
Also, when I was working, he expected me to buy all the household appliances and furniture and groceries because my salary was more than his. However, since I have not been working he has still insisted that I contribute my savings to the monthly bills. He gives me a nafaqah amount that is less than half of what he wants me to spend every month. I'm at a loss as he refuses to listen to reason because in his eyes he gives me nafaqah so he's not in the wrong at all. What can I do?
Q: Girl had a relationship in past and now she got married and she is true to her husband but her husband came to know of her past relationship and he seeks a divorce. What does Islam says about this situation?
Q: My wife has dyed her hair on my wish. She is advised not to wash her hair for 3 days (she can do masah). How can she do Ghusal if needed? Can she do masah of her head while she washes her whole body during Ghusal?
Q: If one tells his wife we are done 2 times is the nikkah still valid? We were not discussing divorce and it was said because she was ignoring me. I said it more out of anger but i know she has a good heart.
She is a new muslim so she is still learning. However later on i found out it was because someone in her family was forcing her to do that in order to ruin our relationship. I have never said the words "I am divorcing you to her" and my intention has always been to help her understand deen. She motivated me to become a better muslim. When i got a nikkah i didn't have a beard. Now i have one and also am a student. Is our nikkah still valid?
Q: I have performed Umrah recently on 13 Zul Qadah. Reason was that I had to stay in Jeddah and leave for HAJJ on 7 zul hajj from Jeddah. I was told to perform umrah then go to jeddah as I was coming from taif. Now, can I perform niyyah of ifrad or tamattu?
If I perform Ifrad, must I do qurbaani? If so, will it be considered as wajib or sunnah?
I am staying in Jeddah for 3 weeks but my desire is to perform Ifrad hajj as in Ifrad it's sunnah and person of Ifrad is free to go for tawaf ziyaarah after rami and qasr. I prefer Ifrad but umrah in shawwal & zulqadah am I obliged for tamattu or niyyah counts?
1. Is it allowed in Islam to have legal weapons for self defense?
2. Is it a sunnah to have weapons for self defense?