Repenting after earning haraam livelihood

Q: If a man who has earned his living through illicit ways not permitted in Islam as recorded in the renowned personals, including but not limited to accepting and soliciting bribes, misappropriation of public fund etc. during his entire period of service repents sincerely after he retires from Govt. service, would he be accepted by Allah, especially if he uses his ill gotten gains to sustain himself and perform all necessaries afterwards? Does the same logic apply to robbery and trickery, money lending with interest, sale of narcotics, etc.? Is wealth amassed in such a way even if one turns over a new leaf?

Dua for shifa

Q: A schizophrenia patient is refusing to go to the doctor and take medicines despite convincing him so many times. It is really horrible to see his condition and his parents are worried for so many years. Can you please let me know if there is any dua (which can be blown on water and given to the patient) which can make the patient go to the doctor and take medicines.

Breaking one's fast due to illness

Q: I am able to fast though I am not in good health. Lately I am suffering from bouts of fever for no apparent reason. I know that fever means that I have to break my fast. If I develop fear say an hour before Ifthaar, how long can I postpone Ifthaar and how close to Ifthaar can I break my fast so that my fast would still be valid for the day?

Muslim newspaper publishing adverts of stores that sell haraam products

Q: I am a publisher of magazines and have now entered into newspaper publishing. There are businesses that wish to have their adverts appear in our publications e.g. haraam butcheries, supermarkets advertising alcohol and the people that claim to “bring back lost love” and other claims to the supernatural. Am I allowed to publish these kinds of adverts?

Girls father harassing the groom for mahr money

Q: A couple got married 3 years ago and the agreement of nahr was on mahr fatimi. On the day of the nikka the groom did not have the full amount so the agreement was that he would pay it off later. The amount of 3000 was given and the remaing amount is 7700. 3 years has past and no payment was made. The husband and wife have an understanding that the husband will give it by the end of the year inshallah. The brides father keeps asking and embarrassing the groom. I just wanted to know if the brides father have a say in this matter?