Performing salaah behind an Imaam who smokes
1. Is it permissible to pray behind an Imam who smokes?
2. Also, is it permissible to learn Quran from someone who smokes cigarettes?
1. Is it permissible to pray behind an Imam who smokes?
2. Also, is it permissible to learn Quran from someone who smokes cigarettes?
Q: Is it permissible for a wahabi girl to marry a sunni boy. I have recieved a proposal from a sunni boy and I'm deeply interested in this person. However is it permissble in Islam to marry a sunni whilst I'm a wahabi?
Q: Can I do umrah after 4 days of periods. My bleeding has stopped so can I do umrah?
Q: I wanted to know about second nikaah in Islam?
Q: What is the ruling if 2 people are divorced Islamically. There's a son of 8 years old involved. I have tried amicabally to sort it out but what if my ex wife is trying to take full custody?
Also, what is the ruling if a girl is under the age of puberty?
Q: Please give me a link or reference of Quran Majeed app or website with translation and tafseer for mobile.
Also, please give an app or website on how to give Azaan and perform Namaaz correctly because we can't trust everything on the internet.
Q: Is it permissible to perform salaah while having cigarettes and currency (since they have picture on them) in one's pocket?
Q: I am working on a ship and I cannot come to shore for a minimum of 5 months. Is it permissible to perform Zuhr instead? I am the only Muslim on the ship. Please guide me.
Q: Is Hafsa a good name to keep for a Muslim girl?
Q: Could you please advise me on some english books and some guidelines on how to perfect your salaah to the highest level?