Making dua that one's husband becomes most beloved to them after Allah and his Rasul (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
Q: Can one make dua that their husband becomes most beloved to them after Allah and his Rasul? Is this a good dua to make?
Q: Can one make dua that their husband becomes most beloved to them after Allah and his Rasul? Is this a good dua to make?
Q: I am separated from my husband through khula as we both were facing issues in our marriage. I wanted to stay with him but his parents did our istikhaara and said it's not good for us to continue together due to which we had to separate. By any chance, is there any wazifa through which we can reconcile? We are not on talking terms with each other.
Q: My last period was on the 8th of Jan and in Feb I missed my period. So on the 8th of Feb I found out that I have ectopic pregnancy which was treated 4 days ago by an injection which kills pregnancy. So now, after 4 days of the injection I am bleeding like periods. I dont know if it is haidh or istihaadha.
Q: Does Mufti have any solutions on maintaining purdah when delivering by a male gynaecologist?
Q: Is it correct that Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) didn't laugh in a manner that we say 'khilkhila kar hansna' in Urdu?
Q: I would like to ask you about the Brandywine vinegar as I am studying in Germany and almost every other has this Branntweinessig and they use it as a cheap preservative for yogurt, ketchup, mayonnaise, even some milk drinks also have this. So is it permissible to use this or not as due to language barriers I could only rely on translation which literally means wine vinegar.
Q: My sister in law delivered a stillborn baby at 8 months (32 weeks). They were having the baby after a long time and the whole family is very stressed and depressed due to the incident of the stillborn. I want to ask for a dua to give patience and strength to the family and my sister in law to conceive again.
1. In Witr Salaah in the month of Ramadhan, if the masbooq joins the Imam in the ruku of the last rakat, is it wajib for the masbooq to recite dua e qunoot when he stands up to complete his missed rakat and in which rakat will he recite dua e qunoot?
2. In Witr Salaah, if the masbooq missed all the rakaats and did not recite dua e qunoot when he stood up to complete his Salaah, is it compulsory upon him to repeat the Witr Salaah after the Salaah time has expired?
3a. If the masbooq turned for salaam with the Imam accidentally or not knowing the masala and he did sajdah sahw at the end, is the Salaah valid?
3b. In the above situation, if he didn't do sajdah sahw, is it compulsory to repeat the Salaah when the Salaah time has expired or is the Salaah valid but incomplete?
4a. When the Imam did salaam to do sajdah sahw, the masbooq accidentally or not knowing the masala, he also turned his head for salaam and then did sajdah sahw at the end of the Salaah, is the Salaah valid?
4b. In the above situation, if he didn't do sajdah sahw, is it compulsory to repeat the Salaah when the Salaah time has expired or is the Salaah valid but incomplete?
Q: What is the status of the hadith about the 5 favours of Salaah, which is normally quoted by the jamaat brothers. Recently a friend of mine told me that, that particular hadith is weak.
Q: Kindly tell me what is the Islamic ruling on network marketing (MLM)?