Naming one's house
Q: I constructed a new house and for that I received financial help from my friends, so I would like to name my house as Habeebi or Al-Habeebi, can I name any of these and if so, which is more better?
Q: I constructed a new house and for that I received financial help from my friends, so I would like to name my house as Habeebi or Al-Habeebi, can I name any of these and if so, which is more better?
Q: I am a plumber and electrician by profession. I would like to know what things will make my money haraam e.g. lying to a customer, cheating, etc. I seem to be having a problem on every job I do. Could you please advise me how should I conduct with my clients?
Q: An elderly man and woman have been accredited to go for Hajj. However, due to limited financial means, they are unable to go. Their young son has already performed Hajj and has been accredited for the second time to go for Hajj. Is it the son's responsibility to first send his parents for Hajj?
Q: My mother-in-law told me that there is a Hadith which says that she can ask her son to leave me, and he must obey her. Is it true? What is the Hadith?
1. During Ramadhaan, I was baking a cake and whilst mixing, the chocolate powder went everywhere and I could taste it in my throat. The chocolate powder must have gone down my throat because it got stuck at the back of my throat. When I swallowed, it went down. Did this break my fast, and is kaffarah necessary?
2. Does swallowing (loose) skin on the lips break the fast?
Q: If a wife is demanding a new house, as the house in which she is living is not up to her standard, then the husband has the right to say ask your parents (wife's parents) to give you one ? as his salary is not enough to buy a new or big home.
Q: If a man utters the word "divorce" not for the purpose of his wife's divorce neither was he addressing her at a time when it was uttered. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife came in his mind. Will it constitute divorce ? It was uttered without any purpose. He was not addressing his wife. He had no intention of referring it to his wife. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife occurred in his mind in a flash and disappeared. Now he is worried.
Q: Is it mentioned in the Quran that there is no blame on a person about what he likes or dislikes (because that is in this fitrat and he cannot change that)?
Q: We wish to give our baby's name Anum Younus. Please suggest me it will be right name to give her.
Q: Is it right for a husband to leave his wife and kids and go stay with his mother even though they all live in the same yard? My father in law fell sick recently and was admitted in hospital so my husband didn't want to leave his mother alone to stay the night but he could leave his wife and kids to stay alone.