Missing Salaah in the musjid due to studying
Q: Can I pray the five Salah at home as I am a student and don't have enough time to go to Masjid and pray with the Jamat. Kindly guide me with this...
Q: Can I pray the five Salah at home as I am a student and don't have enough time to go to Masjid and pray with the Jamat. Kindly guide me with this...
Q: I used leather socks before. Now I don't have leather socks so I wear three layers of normal socks which becomes even thicker than leather socks I used before. I do masaa on these socks as I use to do on leather socks during wudu for salah... I hope it's okay. And my wudu and salah are valid.
Q: I was passing by the road and on a car's mirror it was written God forbid "Jesus is the lord" god forbid. I said to my self that there is no lord. But I didn't mean to say it to Allah. I have belief in Allah. Now what I said did it made me sinful?
Q: As a lot of people believe that there are still Sayyids like my family, some I have encountered do not believe in Sayyids and say we are fake, is it true?Any prove that Sayyids actually exist from the Hadith or anything that says there would be Sayyids?
Q: I have a question about some texts in the Quran whose meanings we should not delve into. I sometimes start getting images in my mind.
For example about this Hadith Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "If one of you lowered a bucket by a rope (into a well), then it would fall on Allah." [At-Tirmidhi]
I get an image that a bucket is falling into a well and if Allah is in the well, because it seems that this is what the literal meaning means. Then I get really confused because if I accept this image it seems that I'm doing anthropomorphism and if I reject it what if it is the real meaning. What I mean to say is that whether the meaning is literal or figurative only Allah knows best, but then I get a literal image in my mind. I get really scared that if I accept it, what if it is anthropomorphism and if I reject it, what if this is what actually happens. I'm really scared of doing kufr. Please help me out.
Q: Can we eat the foods if halal is writen on the packet?
Q: If I want to earn on youtube, is it halal? The money comes for the ads which are played during my video and I have no idea what the ads will show or promote.
Q: If I completed my salah and forgot to do sajda sahw, how to do it after salah? After salam if I sit and recite attahiyaat and say salam on the right side and do two sajdah and say salam to both sides. Is it the correct way?
Q: I have been told to make a contract for halaala is Haram but if the woman consumates and goes back to the 1st husband, the nikaah will be valid with the 1st husband. How is that possible? If something that is Haram still be counted?
Q: My husband does alot of maintenance work at the masjid. He does not care for his service. But everytime he does something, some of the members says something like it should be done like this not like how you did it. This happens all the time. He is hurting alot. If he stops doing the maintenance, will it be good for him?