Training to be a boxer

Q: We are aware that boxing and hitting the face or head isn't allowed. In some places, training is undertaken with headgear and other protection, this happens under the supervision of trained professionals. This is only for training and not on a professional level.

Is this permissible?

Prospective couple meeting and not delaying the marriage


1.When can a proposal be rejected in Islam?

2.Is it correct to ask for a prospective spouse who has a sunnah beard and sunnah dressing? I don't like a modern lifestyle because it's not what I am accustomed to nor brought up with.

3. How many times can a prospective couple meet under supervision if they need to discuss aspects of nikaah?

4. After the proposal a bride accepts, within how many days does one have to make nikaah... since it is emphasized in Hadith to hasten for nikkah to take place.

Spotting after nifaas

Q: A woman had nifaas for 40 days. She then spotted for 2 weeks. She had five months of no bleeding. She spotted for two weeks. She had 13 days of no bleeding. The next day she saw one spot of blood. She saw no blood for four days. On the fifth day, she saw one spot of blood. Her habit before nifaas was 17 days purity and 9 days bleeding. Should she follow the habit from before nifaas, or does she have a new habit based on her lengthy tuhr after nifaas?