Taking a gift or remuneration for performing the taraaweeh

Q: I read a mas'alah on http://www.thejamiat.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id… below:

"It is not permissible for a Hafiz who recited Taraweeh to receive remuneration for his Taraweeh recital. His Salaat will not be accepted if he takes a fee or ‘gifts’ for his Taraweeh performance."

But In the Masjid of our village, people collect money for Imaam (he leads taraweeh), and give him at the last night when he completes recitation of Whole Quran. Is it correct to do what is being done in our village?

إعطاء الهدايا


السؤال الأول: إذا أعطى أحد للآخر الهدايا ظاهرا (بأن يرون الآخرون فعله) لأجل ترغيب الناس بالمهادات بينهم لكي تزاد المساعدة و الرحمة و المحبة بين المسلمين - هل له ثواب لمثل هذه النية (في إعطاء الهدايا ظاهرا)؟

السؤال الثاني: هل هناك أحاديث ثابتة تدل على أن من فعل فعلا حسنا ظاهرا لأجل ترغيب الآخرين بأن يفعلوا هذا الفعل الحسن - فله ثواب لمثل هذه النية؟

The name "Tahreem"

Q: My name is Tehreem, and i am going to change it as it means forbidden in Arabic. Someone suggested Shifa and Mishal as new name for me. Could you please tell me the meaning of these names?

Employment contract

Q: A father has a business and employs his son as a manager of the business. The father stipulates the salary of the son as follows: 

On a monthly basis the son will receive R2000 (for example) as salary, which will escalate 10% yearly, and together with that, the son will share 50% of the profits yearly with the father, after deducting business expenses. Is this permissible?