ما الحكم الشرعي في الحالات التالية

س: ما الحكم الشرعي في الحالات التالية:

الحالة الأولى: عند الزبير توجد الآلة الكهربائية يحتاج إليها، و لكن آلته الكهربائية قد فسدت، و الزبير يريد تصحيحها؛ الزيد عنده مصنع خاص لتصحيح الآلات الكهربائية التي قد فسدت، و الزيد يقول للزبير أن عليه أن يدفع مئة دولار إذا كان يريد تصحيح هذه الآلة؛ و لكن الزبير ليس عنده إمكان لدفع مئة دولار مباشرة، لأنه لا يملك مئة دولار؛ و فيصل يقول للزبير: "أنا أعطيك مئة دولار، و لكن عليك أن يرجع لي مئة و عشرون دولار - مئة دولار إرجاعا للدين، و عشرون دولار أجرة و ربحا لي بسبب المساعدة لك في إزالة مشكلتك." (و إرجاع النقود أثناء عشر أشهر بأقسام متساوية بإثنى عشر دولار كل شهر) و الزبير رضي على هذه الشروط. هل في شروط فيصل يوجد الربا؟

الحالة الثانية: نفس الحالة، و لكن فيصل قد دفع مئة دولار مباشرة للزيد، و بعد ذلك ألزم على الزبير أن يرجع له مئة و عشرون دولار بأقسام متساوية أثناء عشر أشهر بإثنى عشر دولار كل شهر - مئة دولار إرجاعا للدين و عشرون دولار أجرة و ربحا بسبب مساعدته للزبير في إزالة مشكلته. (يعني في الحالة الأولى فيصل قد أعطى النقود للزبير نفسه، و لكن في الحالة الثانية أعطى النقود للزيد لا للزبير) و الزبير رضي على هذه الشروط. هل في شروط فيصل يوجد الربا؟ 

Consulting the parents with regards to nikaah

Q: My friend and I like each other and we want to make nikaah so that we can have a halaal relationship and not be boy friend and girlfriend. His parents said that they want to come home to speak to my parents about us making nikaah. My parents don't want us to make nikaah and they threaten me to stop wanting to marry him or else they will force me to marry some one else or they will hit him. I really want my relationship to be halaal and I wanat to make nikaah. What should I do? Will it be wrong if I make nikaah without my parents consent?

الكتاب فتوح الشام

س: هل تصح نسبة الكتاب فتوح الشام المتداول بين الناس والتي هي مطبوعة الى الامام الواقدي؟ كثير من المحققين ينكرون هذا. فما رأي علماءنا؟ رأيت هذا التتحقيق على انترنيت. الرجاء منكم ان توضحوا هذه المسءلة المهمة. جزاكم الله خيرا لخدمتكم. 



Q: I have seen a dream that I am walking in Masjid Al Haram with my friend. I am visiting different parts of it. I meet my father over there as well (Note: Alhamdu Lillah. My Father is alive). Lots of people are present inside. I have also observed that Masjid Al Haram is under renovation. Its floor is cemented and marbles has to be put on it. Its walls are also under renovation. I see that Ka’ba is not in its original form. First it looks like a single rectangle empty iron frame. Then I see that it’s a cubed empty frame of iron with Hajra e Aswad is at It’s place but whole Ka'ba walls are not there. These have to be built. After visiting Masjid Al Haram I and my friend come out of Masjid Al Haram. Then I ask the route of Madinah Al Munawarah. The road going towards Madinah Al Munawarah is shown by someone. Then my dream finished. Some days later. I saw a new dream that i am standing at the roof of Masjid Al Haram and I look down at the courtyard of Masjid Al Haram. I can see some part of floor of courtyard only. I see that lots of clean water is flowing on its floor.  Even at the roof where I am standing lots of clean water is also coming over there from some where. Please guide me about these two dreams.

Also I was studying the book of Imam Ibn Seereen (Tabeer ur Ru'ya) that if someone see himself in Masjid Al Haram then he will be safe from worldly disasters. I have to go for appeal against a court decision. Are these dreams also indicating that I shall win this appeal? Please guide me about it as well.


Q: I want my rukhsati, please help me. My husband is not talking to me and not even replying to me. I am so worried. My nikkah was on the 4th november 2012.

Paying the teachers of a school which closed down 3 months notice period salary

Q: I used to work in my uncle's school as finance manager 8 years ago. I was basically all in all in that school. I had teachers in that school on
contract mentioning three months job termination period. School was in loss and I had to sell the school, all teachers lost job because new owner didn't  hire them. I could pay only one month notice period and current month salary to the contract holder teachers. The teachers without renewed contract or teachers passing probation period but without new contract got only current month salary. Now I feel I should have paid complete three months notice period but I didn't have funds at that time. Now I am in a position to pay them but I lost their contact numbers plus I don't remember the actual amount of the different teachers.  At that time what I got from the sale, I paid all to the staff and one PDC cheque I gave to my uncle and went back to my city to restart my career. What should I do?