Is it permissible for me to give a department official a gift for helping me with my visas

Q: I live abroad. I am the only son of my parents and there is no one to look after them nicely in Pakistan. I applied for my parents residence visa but for no reason they rejected my parents visa. Our company legal manager contacted one person in the department, he helped us getting my parents visa. After I got my visa, he is asking for his gift for the work done. I didn't promise any gift in advance. He says he helped so he deserves a gift i.e. an expensive mobile. I cannot say no to him ethically because he helped me a lot to get the visa. Is it halaal to give him mobile? I am very worried.

Spiritual problem

Q: I have been having a spiritual problem and have been seeing the effect in my earnings. My life on the whole is Masha Allahlah well and no problems with my family, kids, health etc. Can mufti Saheb recommend a solution to the above as I feel that either I have a nazr or related problem (Jinn/jadoo) on my earnings only. Whatever I seem to do in business it just doesn’t seem to work out. You kind assistance and advise will be highly appreciated. Does Mufti Saheb recommend me to see an Aamil? If so kindly advise.

Taking Tabarruk from the Awliya and Buzurgs

Q: A sheikh of tasawwuf told his murid, who was going for four months to read salaah at a certain spot in Nizamuddeen markaz where Ml Ilyaas (Rahmatullahi Alayh) used to read tahajjud salaah, is this not bidat? Is such a action established in deen? If there is such a thing as taking barkat, will it not be restricted to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Please answer in detail with relevant proofs from Quraan and Hadith.