Dreams after istikhara

Q: My question is relating istekhara which I did 4 times. I did istekhara for  love marriage.  Kindly please interpret the meaning of my dreams.

Dream 1: I dreamt that I was with the boy I love. We were going towards our flat. In real life it cant be possible as we live in different countries.

Dream 2: I dreamt that its my marriage day. On my right hand I saw green color henna, the design was not good but after washing hand the color was deep. On my left hand I saw red color henna, the design was nice but after washing hand there was no color on my hand.

Dream 3: I was with my family and saw one white color aeroplane was waiting for me to get in.

Dream  4: I dreamt that I was in a contest. Those people told me to apply white color cream on my face. I applied it. Later I saw that my mother gave me sweets which I and her ate.  After sometime it was announced that I won the contest.

Please tell me the meaning of my dreams

Forgetting to make sajda-e-sahw

Q: In Saheeh Muslim there is a hadeeth in the chapter of forgetting in salaah. The hadeeth mentions that after the salaah wherein Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) performed three rakaats in salaatul Asr, Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) entered his home and came back out and spoke etc. and then just made sajda sahw.

  1. People now say that if one begins to talk after the salaah wherein sajda sahw supposed to take place, he has to repeat the entire salaah. Please explain.
  2. The hadeeth mentions that Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) came out angrily. Why did he become angry?

Husband telling the wife "meri taraf say azad ho"

Q: I want to know about a problem which has effected me and my life a lot. My husband converted from shiaism although Masha Allah he has improved a lot in Imaan but still he is not acquainted with all sunni procedures. He is a high blood pressure patient and at times he says that please do not make me angry. I become mad in anger and do not know what to do, now the question is that one day on phone during fighting I was telling him that as you during our days of engagement used to say meri taraf say azad ho now do not use such things as it causes separation but he was insisting that Islam is not that tough that in anger if I say so without intention we would be separated, he said when I have to leave you I would use divorce word, we were still fighting that I asked him to let me talk to my mother in law who is still a shia and she said to me that no talaq never happens like this I was talking to her and in the background I heard my husband saying meri taraf say azad hai he was in anger and I think that as to repeat in anger he said this meri taraf say azad hai azad hai I asked my mother inlaw, you heard what he said? She said no I heard nothing he is in anger he talking to himself. I told her the words she said no I heard nothing like that I asked my husband he said I did not say any word to get you separated he said he was in much anger but he swore to Quran and Allah that he had not said azad words and he said he never had any intention of divorce if he had used divorce words. Then I cried and hang up. He called and said do you have Quran with translation and read Ayat 227-230 and said tum bakwas karte ho in Quran its word talaq for separation then he said you just fight for nothing i love you and i do not want to leave you then he gave Quran to aunty who read ahead and told him that in Quran it is allowed to marry 4 yateem girls he told me then i said even halala is also a solution in Quran he said in extreme anger that phir mein tumhein farigh karta hoin phir tum karlo halala. I asked what is yours intention he said shutup you are my wife and i am in anger i do not want to lose you I told him his words he said no i said to phir dafa hojao aur karo halalay and that too so that you shut shut up he swore upon Holy book that he never want to leave me or divorce me he said he was in much anger but he knew that talaq word would separate us thats why he didn't use it. Please tell me my husband says he never said words of separation and even my saas says she had not heard it now what is my condition what about talaq?

Is Faskh of Nikaah based on Ijma'

Q: Am I correct in understanding that Fasakh as understood by the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah is based on the ijma practice of the Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhu)? Mufti I am very staunch that we follow orthodox Fiqh and I am not seeking to cause problems, instead I am trying to defend particularly the Shafi mazhab against people who argue that they can make ijtihad and grant a fasakh as equal to a Talaq (i.e. without any conditions at all).

And as much as all sunni Ulama reject this assertion of theirs I would like to understand what the Sunni view is based on, please.  

Durood recited by some Sufi's

Q: I came across a Durood that is used by some sufi's during their healing sessions, they claim that this durood is based on the names of our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) that are hidden in the Quran, the two names are 'TAHA' and 'YASEEN'. The complete Durood is “Bismillaahi yasin habeebullah wa taha rasoolullaah Salalahu Allyahi Waslam”.

  1. Is it permissible to recite this darood.
  2. Is it permissible to recite other names of our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) with the intention of seeking Allah's help, mercy and cure. I don't think the recitation of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) name will lead to shirk, because many of those names appear in Quran along with words like 'YA'.