Dreaming of my male friend

Q: I'm not married. I'm not dating (as non-muslims and muslims does these days) but I do have friends of the opposite gender. My friend who happens to be a male and I are not on speaking terms and I have learned that he may have alterior motives which made me very sad. Consequentlly, I have unfriended him. Recently, without motivation, I have been dreaming about him. At first I assumed it was my subconcious still trying to see the best in everyone as I do with everyone but I read my namaaz and try to live accordingly and put my trust in Allah Ta'ala.

Dream: I'm in a mini bus taxi and my friend is sitting next to me. I am joking about something and he smiles but looks forward. Then I grab him around his neck and kiss his cheek as a mother would kiss a small son. Very perculiar yet I felt very at ease. I have no idea why I am dreaming about this when I have a lot of things on my mind in other spheres in my waking life.

Sacrificing something for the sake of Allah Ta'ala

Q: The Hadith says that when you leave something for the sake of Allah then Allah will reward you with something better.

Question 1: Does this mean that if one leaves something e.g. sacrifices his home comfort etc. to go to the musjid or in the path of Allah etc., then as a reward, one will get better then what one has left behind?

Question 2: Does it refer to the case where one leaves something haraam e.g. a sinful deed or haraam food then in reward, one will get better than what one has sacrificed?

Question 3: What is the correct explanation of this Hadith? 

Un-Islamic marriages

Q: Many Muslims do not do marriages according to Islamic rulings these days. In my family, my elder brother got married but I did not attend his marriage. I think that where Muslims do not apply sunnah of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, I should not attend such celebrations. They marry like non-muslims, so I think we should not attend such marriages. I want to know if my thinking is correct?
I am asking this because I listened in lectures of Ulama that a believer should stop evil with hand. If one have not so much power to stop with hand, one should try to stop evil by mouth i.e. saying about the wrong. If one have not even this ability than one should feel it evil. Because of this this, I don't attend marriages where Islamic rules are avoided.

My Muslim relative is doing shirk

Q: I have a relative, who born as a muslim. But he is doing shirk. Every friday & in the month of ramdhan he goes to mosque. But at the same time he also vist temples & worships the idols. He is a good person with good character. I don't want him to do shirk. I want to give him dawah about Islam. So, please help me in this regard? Please let me know if there is any supplication, wazaif, dua to be read, with the barkat of which ALLAH will change him & make him a true MUSLIM. I hate his SHIRK activities. Please help me Mufti Saheb. Tell us what could we do in order to make him a good muslim?

Need to get married but cannot due to my mothers overbearing ways

Q: I am a devoted Muslim and do my best to follow the rgiht path with my parents. However despite loving my mother and dedicating years of my life trying to keep her company and happy I find now that I am struggling to cope with her overbearing ways. She hates that I want to get a job or have a friend to the extent that she asks me not to go out to see anyone unless she is also involved. I am getting old and want to get married and have a life but with her demands on me that will never happen. I feel that the stress is taking a toll on my mental and physical health and am getting very low. I don't want to upset her though but now I feel she has made me sacrifice my own life for her and that is not right. What can I do?