Problems in the Middle East

Q: Here in our small Muslim community in U.K. we hear a lot of things happening in the Middle East Syria etc. from people amongst us who went there. Horrible things are being done to our Muslim brothers and sisters there and it is really pitiable. So when does it becomes compulsory upon us to answer the call of these oppressed Muslim brothers and sisters? Will we be sinners if we don’t answer their call?

Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah

Q: In Salaah in Jamaat, when pulling a person back from the front saff to join him in the back saff so he doesn't read Salaah alone in the saff: 

  1. Does he pull the person from the middle of the saff or from the side of the saff?
  2. How will the front saff get completed again? 
  3. If a third person then came and joined the second saff, can any one of them move into the front saff if that space is still open?

في جهنم سبع طبقات

س:  أنا أعرف أن في جهنم سبع طبقات. السابع الأعلى منها - لبعض عصاة المؤمنين؛ والأول الأدنى منها - للمنافقين؛ و السادس - للنصارى؛ و الخامس - لليهود. (كذا قرأته في أحد الكتب). و من سيكون في الطبقات: الرابع و الثالث و الثاني؟ هل هناك أحاديث صحيحة أو حسنة في ذلك الموضوع؟