Are Ladies Permitted to stand in the saffs of the men in Jamaat Salaah?

Q: Are ladies permitted to stand in the saffs of the men in jamaat salaah. In Bahisti Zewar under the section "Prerequisites of Salaah" there is a masalah that says that the Imaam must make niyyat for a woman who intends joining the Jamaat Salaah if she is standing in line with the men. However if she is standing behind them, then the Imaam does not have to make niyyat for her. This masalah seems to show permissibility for the women to be in line with the men?

Taking Assistance Through Zakaat to Pay Expenses

Q: I earn a salary of R13000.00 and I have seven children. Alhamdulillah, my expenses of rental, lights and water, maid, school fees, an interest free loan that I took to buy a car and petrol add up to R8700.00 which doesn’t leave us much for Food, nappies, clothing and medical. Am I justified in approaching someone for a monthly assistance in the form of zakaat to pay either my rental or lights and water? Neither my wife nor I own any gold or jewellery. A flat that my mother is presently occupying will only become mine after her demise, may Allah grant her long life, aameen. My father left property in India for us but I do not possess the means or the knowhow of acquiring this.