Validity of wudhu if one wrote on his hand
Q: Is wudhu valid if someone wrote on their hands with pen and didn't scrub it off?
Q: Is wudhu valid if someone wrote on their hands with pen and didn't scrub it off?
Q: Please advise the best ways (most recommended ways) to spend/dispose of interest money earned from a bank savings account?
Q: If one took a riba based loan, and he repents, should he repay only the capital portions of the loan or also the interest on the loan?
Q: Is it permissible to perform tawaaf on a wheelchair despite being able to walk?
Q: Shab e Baraat is soon and I’d like to know how can a woman in haidh spend it? I am aware we can do dhikr but could you please assist with any specific zikr that holds a lot of weight that can be done on this night?
Q: I am teaching students in the maktab and I came across these four Ahaadith in the talimi board maktab syllabus. Someone mentioned to me that these Ahaadith are not suitable to quote. I will appreciate if the ulama can verify the authenticity of these Ahaadith and whether they can be quoted or not. The four ahaadith are listed below:
Q: What are the conditions for the validity of pelting?
Q: Can a woman cut another woman's hair after Umrah or must it be done by a Mahram?
1. Can I read durood and zikr with short sleeves? Is it still rewarded and accepted?
2. For Ramadhaan, I wanted to gift my family and friends something that can be lasting reward for me, if I gift them counters for zikr, is this a means of lasting reward?
Q: Regarding inheritance/working out zakaat, an estate has only money, no business, etc.
The house and car of the deceased was already given to his wife in his lifetime - it was accepted and agreed by all during his lifetime that it belongs to his wife.
The person passed away 3 years ago - the estate got sorted out last week and shares were given.
Must the zakaat be give for all the previous years while they were sorting out the inheritance?
And when do they pay zakaat for the share that was received? Should it be paid now or would they wait for a year to pay it?