How to save oneself from falling into problems?
Q: How to save oneself from falling into problems?
Q: How to save oneself from falling into problems?
Q: I am really confused on a point. People in our society react differently to the issue of cartoons of Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Some do strikes (which many a times become violent), others show no practical response, although they feel hurt. Please respond/guide me in light of sunnah with reference to seerah what is the methodology or reaction one should adopt against blasphemous acts.
Q: If I pray Zuhr as a musafir on Friday, and then come back to my home town when there is still some time remaining of Zuhr time, will Jum'ah salah become binding upon me?
Q: I just wanted to ask that a Moulana wants me to go 4 months jamaat with him but then it'll mean that it will take me another 6 months to finish my studies. What should I do, just go 3 days each month and finish my studies then go 4 months or go 4 months then come back and carry on studies?
Q: Could you please explain how to recite a name of Allah for a wazifaah. For example do I recite Ya Alimu or Ya Alim when I recite it 21 times and blow on water.
Q: I'm in love with a girl who is 7 years older than me and she love me as much as I do. We both want to get married and start a life. So to ask her hand for marriage there is one thing I want to know, is it permissible to marry someone older than you like with 7 years age gap? And we both meet each other everyday as she is my teacher and I'm her student, she teaches me. So is it okay?
Q: Is it permissible to do wazifas for marriage or just salaatul hajaat is allowed?
1. Is is necessary to change the bedsheet every time after having sex? As some fluids may come on it.
2. Is is possible for wife to masturbate his husband's penis?
3. What is the best treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction? Any ayurvedic drinks or any thing according to Islam?
4. Is it permissible for both of us to take shower together ?
Q: Can a woman read wazifas or amaliyaat which are aayat from the Quraan Shareef in the state of haid or nifaas?
Q: I had a habit of fantasizing things. Once I made a vow to Allah that if certain thing happens I will never fantasize anymore. After that thing happened I kept on fantasizing things and did it for more than thousand times. Now do I have to offer one expiation or for every time I broke the conditional vow?I know that if I cannot pay the money I have to fast three days. Do I have to fast three days for every time I broke the vow or is it sufficient to fast three days for all time?