Overcoming stray thoughts
Q: I see kufr images in my head and hear whispers of kufr. I try not think about it but it keeps on coming and my own soul tells me that I believe this things. I don't know what to do. Can you kindly advise me.
Q: I see kufr images in my head and hear whispers of kufr. I try not think about it but it keeps on coming and my own soul tells me that I believe this things. I don't know what to do. Can you kindly advise me.
Q: Should we say alaihas salaam after Maryam and Aasiya a.s.'s names?
Q: I prayed salah from puberty with proper wudhu but without ghusl for 7 years because I was not aware of the masalah of ghusl. Should I reperform those salahs?
Q: Can a woman only where a scarf whilst performing salaah? The hair is exposed in front?
Q: Is a person allowed to make salaam with his hands with his mother in law?
Q: If I round up figures when speaking, for example, if I bought something for $49 and someone asks me how much it was and I say $50, or if something is $950 and I say 1k (without the intention to decieve anyone), would that be considered lying and a major sin?
Q: The City of ALUla, is there a hadith saying that this is a cursed place?
Q: Is it permissible to dye ones hair? I mean to highlights ones hair any colour beside black?
Q: Can a married couple have marital relations when one of their children in the house has chickenpox?
Q: Is it permissible to pray the two sunnah e muakadah of Esha before the fard as well as of Zuhur and Magrib?