Is nikaah necessary for a person who does not fear committing sin?

Q: If a person fears that he will commit fornication if he does not get married, is it obligatory to get married? What if he once committed fornication but he necessarily does not fear it. It just happened once. Is marriage obligatory for him? What if he does not want to get married and if forced to marry he might not give his spouse her rights?

Hiring someone to go fishing

Q: I have a few friends who go fishing and hire boys to assist them while fishing. The boys prepare the rods for them, ensure that there is enough fishing line on the rod, and place the bait on the rod, etc. At times, these boys also hold the rod and fish when my friends want a break. If they catch any fish, they give it to my friends. Is this permissible?

Verification of a Hadith

Q: I’ve often come across the question:

"In Jannah, more valuable than being in Jannah is to see Allah Ta’ala directly. Allah Ta’ala comes personally to visit that lady who wears niqaab in this world”.

I would like to know that is the authenticity of this question? ‎