Making purda from father's sister's husband
Q: Can I show my face (not make parda) to my fathers sisters husband?
Q: Can I show my face (not make parda) to my fathers sisters husband?
Q: I would like to know, my friend received a talaaq from her husband but he intended it from the 9th october. From when does her iddat start? Today is the 2nd October. Sust she sit from today or from the 9th?
Q: I have told my husband a few times that I want a Talaq due to the following reason. We married for 18 years
1. He has never gave me nafaqah
2. He is always rude to me
3. He is disrespectful towards me
4. He does not contribute to the childrens health and clothes needs.
5. He is always asking me for money and never paying it back.
6. He never considers that by not paying me back that whatever debts I may have incurred cannot be covered when he does not pay me back.
7. He has not been intimate with me for 4 years and even then it was only twice a year.
8. He has nothing left over for me never gets me anything for my birthday for the whole 18 years that we are married.
9. He never stands up for me against his family when there was ever an issue.
10. He comes from a wealthy family and they know he does not provide for me or his kids.
11. My kids are studying hifz and he will never sit with them /relieve me sometimes to test them.
He has just asked me for money again this month and I told him No. He got upset to which I said that I was going to resign and stay at home so that he cant ask me for money anymore. He then said he wants a Talaq. So I told him it just proves that he would not talaq me before because he needed me for my money. Now that I will not have money should I resign I will be of no use to him and he cannot take responsibilty for a wife and children.
He has so many debts . I cannot understand what he does with his money that he earns as he is a plumbing contractor. Our rent is even behind.
I need some advise going forward as I feel the talaq is the best thing for me and my children
Q: Im separated with my husband for nine months now. Due to the emotional problems I went through with my mother in law and my husband hasn't supported me in that and even whilst separated, I've tried through three moulaanas to make it work but there has been no improvement or any sort of support either. I've had many emotional breakdowns but now I finally want a talaq. Please help me as I can't keep going on like this.
Q: I have a question pertaining to talaaq. If someone issued two talaaqs and revoked it, but never issued the third one, what is the status of that person's nikaah?
1. At times we put impure wet clothes in the machine and it touches the side of it, when removing it the clothes touches the same part wich the impure clothes touched, does it become impure again.
2. If 1 drop of urine falls on a wet cloth, is the whole cloth impure or only that part?
3. If impurity is found on clothing that is already washed in a machine, must all the clothes be washed again?
Q: What should a woman do if everybody treats her unwanted and even after her repenting and spending her life sincerely, people try treat her badly. Who does Allah disgrace and what should they do to be saved?
Q: Is reminding someone of their past errors allowed in Islam especially when it was something haraam?
Q: I am a married woman with a kid. My family stopped talking to me since my mother is under pressure from my other siblings by not giving me respect and always taunting me about my past mistakes. Due to which I maintain some distance with my family. Am I doing any zulm to my family by a keeping distance. They are all well off and I feel they need me except to be subservient.
Q: Why do the tabligh jamaat at ijtimas not begin with a nazm or at least qirat to take barakat from the Quraan-e-paak?