Q: I'm a hanafi by maslakh. My question is about qaza e umri. Is qaza e umri to be offered or not. If yes please give the daleel in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. Few of my friends confused me as I don't have the daleel.
Q: I'm a hanafi by maslakh. My question is about qaza e umri. Is qaza e umri to be offered or not. If yes please give the daleel in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. Few of my friends confused me as I don't have the daleel.
Q: My sister is 5 years old and she is a normal girl. At night when she sleeps she wakes up at 2 am and starts crying and she is repeatedly saying Allahu Akbar bismillahir rahmanir rahim and after 10 to 15 minutes she gets normal again and goes back to sleep being exhausted and once she gets up she dont remember what all happend. This is happening with her from past one month.
Q: I want to name my son rayyaan. Is it a good name? My concern is it's an object. It doesn't depict any quality but my wife likes it.
Q: I want to ask that is becoming a singer Haram? Let's suppose someone is becoming a Singer so that he/she can have millions/billions of dollars from which he/she can remove poorness from this world and help the needy. Is it haram to listen to Music?
Q: Is it mandatory to seek prior permission from the first wife for second marriage in Islam.
Q: Sometimes because of a severe cough, some urine comes out, in that condition does our clothes get napaak?
Q: What is the virtue for reciting the compilation of the 40 rabbana?
Q: Can we use interest money to build toilets in our home or can we donate it (the interest money) to the musjid for building toilets?
Q: It has come to my attention that my father pays home and car insurance. Is it permissible to make use of a car that insurance is been paid on? e.g. to use the car to go for Salaah, to do necessary shopping etc. Is it permissible to live in a house that insurance is been paid for?
Q: Due to nightfall (Norturnal Emissions), the bed sheet and blanket get some stains of semen. This happens like twice in a week. So do we need to wash both after every incident of emission?