Man wearing a watch with gold plated dials
Q: Is it permissible for a man to wear a watch that is made out of stainless steel but the hands and hours markers in the dial are rose gold plated?
Q: Is it permissible for a man to wear a watch that is made out of stainless steel but the hands and hours markers in the dial are rose gold plated?
Q: Is It necessary/compulsory for husband and wife to live together if/after they consummated the marriage (via having jimaa) and if they don't live together will they get sin?
1. I have question regarding zakat. I am a married and a house wife. My husband is working in another city. My husband gives me money monthly for home purchases and some pocket money. We don't have our own house, we just bought a piece of land 5 months ago and want to build a house. My husband has 7000 dollars and I have more than 100 grams of gold. So is zakat and qurbani waajib on me and on my husband or do we first have to build our house?
2. If qurbani and zakat is waajib on us, do we have to pay zakat separately and do qurbani separately?
Q: How to repent if I break a promise to myself upon Allah? What's the expiation for it?
Q: Is it a major sin for a woman to masturbate? Could you please provide references from the Quran Sharif and Hadith for the satisfaction of my heart and mind? I have heard that it can cause weak memory and eyesight as well as other health problems.
Q: I cant remember how old I was but I remember I broke a fast when I was little. What should I do? Keep my kafara (60 fast ) or not?
Q: My husband’s mother is a Christian. She is a lesbian and lives with another woman and is not shy about their relationship. I don’t like this situation and don’t like going to visit especially with our children, however I know I cannot keep my husband away from his mother. My daughter is big and has questioned me on this relationship that she can see. I have advised her that this is wrong in every way possible and has reminded her of the story of Nabi Lut (alaihis salaam). Is it wrong of me not to want to visit or be seen in public with her? I don’t like being associated with her at all and this is difficult for my husband to understand because it is his mother. How can I make my husband understand because I feel very strongly about not being associated with her although I am because I am married to him. Can mufti give advice on this situation please.
1. Is it permissible for my husband to drink/swallow my milk intentionally and unintentionally. I am breastfeeding his son. Whilst making love to me he squeezes my breasts and sucks my nipples very hard and there is milk all round his mouth and I know he is also taking it inside.
2. Am I responsible to make food for my father in law when my husband calls me to bed to fulfil his needs and satisfy him?
Q: My question is about nikah in paradise. If we like someone and did not get married due to his/her death but still like him/her from the bottom of our heart and want to marry him/her and pray to Allah to meet in jannat, is it permissible to pray like this and will Allah give us the right to choose him/her as a spouse in jannat?
Q: Can a woman in haidh read lailaha illa anta... until the end with the niyyat of zikr?