Is it sunnah to have relations with one's wife on Thursday night?
Q: Can you please verify the famous statement that "it is sunnah to have sexual relations with ones wife on a thursday night".
Q: Can you please verify the famous statement that "it is sunnah to have sexual relations with ones wife on a thursday night".
Q: I have a question regarding qasr.
The distance between Pietermaritzburg and Durban is 77 km which is not qasr distance. I’ve heard a few people saying that if you continue traveling around the area e.g. to North Beach or Westville then you should start reading qasr salah. Is this correct? If it is, then would you still be regarded as a musaafir if you spend nearly every weekend in Durban?
Q: Yesterday I saw a very bad accident on the highway. I was in a taxi and the accident happened behind us. The taxi driver did not stop. I called the rescue services and kept my phone in my hand. While my call was picked up, for a few seconds as I was probably thinking what to say. When I listened to the voice it was a recording saying that the number was busy and call later. Now I am not sure whether someone initially picked up my call and then cut it or it was recording all along. I asked my brother to call the rescue services but he said that the other taxi driver stopped where the accident happened. At that moment I kept quiet but when I got home I started regretting that I did not try to call the rescue services again and what if people nearby called late and that person may have died due to that. I don't even know what happened there afterwards and I feel extremely guilty. How do I prevent myself from feeling like that because I never reacted?
Q: What is the condition of my fast if I masturbate without knowing that it is haram? This happened when I was 12 years old?
Q: At most Islamic preschools, there are pictures of animate objects. Teachers say that they need to teach learners body parts of humans and animals.
1. Is it permissible to display or hang up charts that have such pictures?
2. Is it permissible for learners to make animated things with paper or cardboard as part of a project?
3. Sometimes, only the eyes are removed. Is this correct?
Q: If I missed the first rakha and joined in second one. During the salah imam made a mistake and at last did sajda-e-sahw. Should I complete the first rakaat or not?
Q: After passing urine and making wudhu during prayers, if I get cough or sneezing it feels as if some few drops of urine has been passed. Should a fresh wudhu be made if this symptoms continue frequently and regularly?
1. In the case of children's custody,if the mother does not remarry,who does the children go to?
2. After what age the children can decide with who they would like to stay with?
3. If the mother does not want the children to keep in contact with the father, what should be done?
Q: My question is that whether it is haram or anything difficulties weather telling in Islam shaking your legs while sitting on bed or any anywhere like on chair Suraj about the reality behind this is it true or not some people says keep shaking legs while sitting on bed is the act of illness or will come illness in your home at your home please suggest or give me justify answer in the light of Islam or an hadees thank you so much.
Q: I am a Sunni Muslim and I had a question about a Sunni - Shia marriage. Am I violating my belief if I compromise with my shia wife to not name my child the names of the first three caliphs?