Stopping someone from committing zina

Q: Would I be wrong if I anonymously tip off my ex-employer to investigate a suspected relationship between a CEO and collegue at my old place of work? The reason I ask is to try and end a relationship that I suspect my sister in-law is having with a CEO at my previous workplace. He is a married man...his wife is still in SA, while he is working in Namibia. We are Muslim, what does Islam advise regarding suspicion of zina?

Taking pictures of the deceased and sharing it with family who cannot attend

Q: What does Islam say about taking pictures of someone who has passed away. For example, if someone has passed away in another country and the family can't attend the funeral, is it permissible to take pictures of the person who has passed away and/or the funeral to share with only the family of the deceased? 

Unfounded practices after a person passes away

Q: I have a question to ask on behalf of a friend of mine. She told me that her fathers brother had passed away and now for three weeks in a row her father is making her do something called amal-e-haziraat. She was blindfolded on a prayer mat with candles around her and a friend of her fathers read something through the phone and blew it and she was told to imagine herself in a place. She saw a big golden gate and she saw a man with a white face. She couldn't really see the face. Then she was asked to ask the man to show her her uncle. She saw her uncle and her uncle didnt want to speak to her. After that she fainted, and since the first time she has done this, she has been getting really depressed and she sees her uncles face wherever she goes. While she was sitting in her room she could see her uncles face in 7 different places in the room. She is really worried now, she cant pray anymore or concentrate in her prayer. She is still young and her father has said he is making her do it because she is still young and has a better brain. Her mother is against it and her dad has told her strictly not to mention this to anyone. She has done this once and she has to do this 2 more times. She has to go to her uncles grave, now she really wants to know what this is, and the only reason she is doing this is because of her father. 

Taking gelatine for medicinal purposes

Q: I have severe knee pain and joints problem so I need to use gelatine for cure but there is no gelatine which is halaal. There is a gelatine which says kosher. Please guide whether I can consume this as a medicine or not? Then there is agar agar gelatine which comes from sea weeds but it does not help with joint repair. Please help me with this matter. Otherwise I'll have to go for cartilage repair surgery. 

Using medication containing ethanol

Q: I am 24 years old and suffer from pcos which is a common hormonal condition in women of reproductive age. It affects people differently. In my case I have it quite severely, excessive facial and body hair, unexplained weight gain and balding of the scalp. Alhumdulilah, through medication and diet I have tackled the first two issues, however the baldness is hard to treat medically. I have seen specialists and they have put me through medication that helps a little but I am still losing my hair. It makes me really sad and anxious. I was told by my gynaecologist to buy this product called regaine which will inshallah make the hair grow back in the places where I have bald spots. I went to buy it today but saw that it had ethanol in it and I was weary whether or not I can pray with this on, so I didn't purchase it. Is it permissible to use this product that contains ethanol, it goes on the scalp.

Invitro Fertilisation (IVF)

Q: My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 6 years to no avail. We have seen specialists, been on medication, had surgery and have observed fasts and dhikrs, duas. We have been told by our current specialist that IVF (invitro fertilisation) is our last resort. We have read and heard from many sources that it is permissable as long as extra precaution is taken to ensure that the correct sperm and eggs are mixed to implant into the uterus, however we have also heard that this procedure may be haraam. Is this permissable, if carried out by an Islamic run fertility centre, under a Muslim fertility specialist. Your advise is highly appreciated. 

Registering adopted child under the adoptive fathers name

Q: May I ask if me and my husband can adopt and register under my husband's last name my sisters's (non-muslim sister) newborn child. Due to some circumstances the baby cant be registered because the father wont allow to put it under his name. (Unfortunately they are not married), so we are finding the way to help the baby to be registered and that is why we came up with the idea of adopting the child instead. Is it permissible? There is no possibility to put the baby's name under her own father.

Leaving the home during iddat

Q: A lady is sitting in iddat at her mothers house in Durban (the couple were not living together since few months. Now her only place where she can stay is by her mom). Her mother needs to go Cape Town for 1 or 2 weeks. Her mother is her only family in Durban, the rest of the family and her (ex) in laws as well are all in Cape Town. The query is that, can she go along with her mother and stay in iddat in one house (her brothers house) for the duration and when her mother returns to Durban she returns with her and complete the remaining iddat?

Wife not receiving divorce papers

Q: 3 years ago my marriage was done with my husband and because of some misunderstandings and circumstances we live separate from each other. Now it's 2 and half years since we are living separate from each other. In this time he tried to give me talaq but I didn't accept, he said that he sent divorce papers to me (but I didn't receive it) and signed it not read it. Is our divorce done or not?