Islam reaching the disbelievers

Q: Based on the Quraan, Allah Ta'ala will not accept any religion other than Islam. And it is in the hadith that if a Christian or a Jew hears about me and didn’t accept Islam and dies as non-Muslim then he will go in Hell forever. I want to ask a few questions.

1. Can a non-Muslim go to heaven? Can a non-Muslim make an excuse to Allah on the Day of Judgment that we were born in a non-Muslim family, so what is our fault if we were born in a Muslim family then we also become Muslim.

2. After the death of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), can a non-Muslim say to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that no Muslim came to us and he did not preach about Islam and Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), so we do not know about Islam. So forgive us. If this is possible so it will apply to all non-Muslims who were born after the death of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

3. Is teaching Islam to non-Muslims such as Hindus, Christians, and Jews necessary on all Muslims? From my point of view it is very difficult and almost impossible to go to every single non-Muslim and teach Islam in this era. Nowadays, every non-Muslim can find information about Islam through the internet and other social media.

4. Good non-Muslims who serve humanity like mother Teresa or xyz who didn't convert to Islam and died non-muslims, will they go to heaven?

Pre planned halalah

Q: Is pre planned halalah permissible in Islam. What I have heard is that it is a major sin but will the marriage with the previous husband be valid if it was done only for the purpose of making the woman halal for the first husband?

Taubah for making inappropriate duas

Q: I was in hardship and in a desperate situation. I wanted my dua to get accepted so I asked God not to give me anything nor would I ask for anything in Jannah if God accept my dua. I think my dua got accepted but I feel a little regret. This is because I feel I'll lose out in the hereafter.

Can I do anything to reverse this? My life in dunya hasn't gone to plan and I don't want my akhirah to fail also.

Reciting the talbiyah after passing the meeqaat

Q: I performed umrah a couple of days ago. I was travelling from Madina to Makkah and I was sure ( i had نیت in my heart) about umrah. At Dhul-Hulaifah I put on two sheets (dress of ehraam) and offered two rakat nafil but I forget to say TALBIYA.

I departed for Makkah after performing nawafil of ehraam and after 5-10 minutes travelling I remembered about talbiya and I said the talbiya and niyat by tongue then and there. Is my umrah correct or do I have to pay any penalty/sadaqah?

Selling a car as a loophole to acquire a loan

Q: I have a question regarding interest. I have a financial issue in my business. I need around 5 million to complete my running order. A friend of mine has an electronics business. He is selling his products at a higher price in easy monthly installments. As I told my problem to him, he bought a vehicle for 5 million pkr and sold me this vehicle for 7.5 million in six monthly installments. I sold this vehicle to the same owner at a lower price (4.99 million) and took money for completing my order. Is this haram in Islam? Because my friend is taking money against a product, not against money, and I'm paying him for a vehicle, not for money. If it is haraam, then what is the solution because I already used the money and invested in my business after selling the vehicle. 

Charging a penalty for late payment and calling it admin fees

Q: I am currently renting my business premises from a an Islamic trust. They have amended the current lease agreement to state that 2% interest will be added to late payment of even a months rent. When the Muslim tenants objected, they changed the word interest and now describe it as admin fees.

Is this allowed? This very trust contributes to the funding of the masjid and Islamic school.

Pre school children being made to wear a graduation cap and robe on their awards day

Q: As is the trend in some pre schools, the children are made to wear a graduation cap and robe on their awards day to say they have completed grade R.

Some say the concept of the hat and robe is one of Egyptian/Islamic origin and has Islamic connotations.

1. Is it permissible to make the grade R students of an Islamic school wear the hat and robe?

2. What would be an appropriate, Islamic way of acknowledging their achievements?

3. Further, is it permissible for Muslims who qualify with degrees at universities to wear the above?

Please advise regarding the above.

Three talaaqs while one's wife is in the state of haidh

Q: I would like to know the validity of the talaq given to me by my husband. He said talaq three times in one go out of anger. There were a few people present to hear the talaq and straight after, he called my father and said ‘I've given your daughter talaq come and take her’.

Currently we are living separately and we have three children together.

Also, when and how long does my iddah start. At the time of the talaq I was on my menses.