Mazoor performing Fajr Salaah with the wudhu of Tahajjud
Q: If a lady is mazoor, and she reads her tahujjud namaaz and didn't move from her place and fajr time set in. Does she have to go and make fresh wudhu?
Q: If a lady is mazoor, and she reads her tahujjud namaaz and didn't move from her place and fajr time set in. Does she have to go and make fresh wudhu?
Q: Does my hair turning greasy naturally after not washing it for like 3 days form a barrier so my masah for wudu isn’t valid?
Q: If a person leaves his home for a place beyond a safr distance to go and study. His plan is only to remain there for the period of his studies e.g. 4 years. He does not regard the place of study as his home. If he stays in the place of study for less than 15 days, then will he be regarded as a mussafir?
Q: Chinese Sumi ink is used in certain types of Arabic calligraphy. I have recently found out that this ink is made using gelatine/animal glue from cows or rabbits. As there is no way to determine whether the gelatine is from halal slaughtered animals, is it permissible to use this ink for writing? In particular writing the Names and Praises of Allah Ta'ala and Aayat of the Quraan Majeed?
Q: Is it permissible to eat non Muslim foods offered to gods and during their festivals?
Q: Red wine grape extract is extracted with the remains of grapes (seeds, skin, etc.) after the fermentation process is completed of the wine. The remains of grapes are also dipped in fermentation solution... but the alcohol percentage in the extract is very small and according to some no alcohol. The alcohol is removed. is it impure or pure in skin toners or cosmetics?
This process of red wine extract is typically made from the skins and seeds of red grapes. The process involves crushing the grapes and fermenting the mixture to produce wine. After fermentation, the solid parts, including the skins and seeds, are separated from the liquid. The remaining solids are then dried and processed to create a concentrated red wine extract, which can be used for various purposes, including dietary supplements and skincare products. Is it pure or impure?
Q: In the current situation in Gaza, should we encourage a boycott on companies and products that contribute to the isreali economy, like kway, Cape Union Mart, Dischem, Pick n Pay, etc.
Will a person boycotting these companies earn reward from Allah on this basis?
Q: Will it be permitted to take the opinion of another madhab if these conditions are met:
1) It does not lead to talfeeq
2) It is not following desires/guesswork
3) The opinion that one is taking is the majority opinion from the 4 schools of thought
Q: What is the ruling of pardah in Islam? Is it compulsory/fardh. I am referring to the covering of the face?
Q: I am following Hanafi Fiqh.
1. In the current situation of Palestine, I have started reading Qunut e Nazila in Fajr prayer. I restrict myself with the Arabic dua from Quran and Hadith. However, I said one day, allahummansuril mujahideena fi filasteen (in Arabic). Would that be considered as Kalamun nas?
2. Secondly, could you please let me know about the guideline which will be easy for me to understand the Kalamun Nas discussed by the fuqaha. I have heard that if we are making dua in Arabic outside Quran and Hadith, it should not be in the classification of Kalamun Nas. However, this thing did not become clear so that's why I am refering to you.