Wearing the niqaab in a home with non-mahram males

Q: I have a question about purdah. I live at my mother in-laws house and I wear niqab. There are always males in the home who are my husband's cousins and uncles. Is it permissible to not wear the niqab when they are present? I try avoid taking it off as much as possible but sometimes I am unaware that they are in the home and am not wearing it which makes me feel guilty because there have been times where my husband says I should leave it off or he doesn't encourage to wear it when those particular people are around.

Referring an Atheist to someone who can guide them

Q: I have an atheist friend who asked me few questions that I was unable to answer. So I wanted to find an answer to provide guidance for her to the righteous path.

The first question was, people who tend to have religions tend to be so possessive about their religions and that if anyone doesn't follow their religion they wont be granted jannah. How can there be so many jannahs?

Second question is why is the christians, hindus or the athiests who dont even believe in God have so much that they need, but the Muslim who prays to Allah and does right deeds have so much less and suffer more compared to the others?

How should I show her the right path? I really want to help but I'm not able to explain her doubts about Islam.

Marital problems

Q: I am married from last 4 years and have no kids. My wife is from a big city and she always has a will to settle at her home city, but I was not ready. In 3rd year of marriage, she managed to take me to her home-parental city to settle. But then, she use to avoid me, spend times with her friends and relatives only not with me. She use to roam here and there like any college girl and avoids me.. Nor she cook food for me , nor she sleep nor even talk for an hours in a day to me & she use to insult me , directly - indirectly. NOT LISTENING TO ME IN SUPPORTS OF HER FAMILY - JUST AVOIDING ME , WHICH KEEPS ME HURTING & SURPRISING... So I decide to come back to my native place city and she refuse then ... she didn't come till date & from last 13-14 month I am waiting for her to come back . Intentionally She is not talking to me nor coming to my home s…..…..in an wish that she will not live with me at my parental house and forcing me settle at her maternal city, where i am not comfortable my whole family tried to talk her and ask her to come back … We have put an middle man to solve the issue and make them talk...but no result , whereas...... On the other-side her family starts creating Negative scene against me…. and her brother keep asking that middle man that we will file fake case of Dowry & domestic violence ..etc Till now i did not want to give her divorce but No response is coming from her & her family members --- we are totally BLANK from last 13-14 month , how to go about. Now we offer them , if she want an end-ship, she should give me divorce from her side , I am not give from my side to avoid to bear the legal consequences But Nor she is coming back and nor giving me Divorce !! How to Go about safer Solution , ........... Pls advice what to do in this situation... What is a FATWA advice for men like me : to get rid and free me from this lady and save my life.

Son-in-law making advances towards mother-in-law

Q: What remedial measures does one have to take if the son-in-law has been advancing and inviting his mother-in-law for sexual pleasures. He also reveals this to his wife that he is thinking of her mother during family life in bed. Is the marriage alive? The discord of his wife became unbearable and brought the subject to me (paternal uncle) and another cousin of hers. Both, the wife and her mother (my sister-in-law) have come with this complaint. And I am disturbed and helpless. I referred to Suraah No 58 first 5 verses and found it be a very admonishing sin and after hearing from another brother in Islam (source). Is it almost one talaq? Is the marriage still alive? The girl, my niece, does not want to live with this man any further. She is seeking separation (Khula). Keeping in mind her father's financial constraints and health and for the livelihood future of hers and her young age (sinners wife) children's future, we want the marriage to be kept alive. Please help with appropriate reply. 

Speaking to the jinn

Q: Someone I know contacts the jinn, is this shirk? Also, he says that Awliya from the graves talk to him and he also helps people with taweez and help from the jinn for good things, what does Islam say about this person? Can I keep him as a friend?

Method of getting over haraam love

Q: I've landed my self in a real big problem in which I feel like I have no escape.

I turned to the local imam of my masjid for help regarding problems in my marriage. Over the space of 2/3 years we would talk regularly near enough daily. To the point we started falling in love with each other. Eventually he confessed how he felt and I also said how I felt and after this we met up once when we kissed however we realised it couldn't be and we broke off. But he went and lied to my husband and everyone that I had to tried to come on to him I told my husband the truth and he believed me and stuck by me. But for the past one year I have been struggling to get over and forget him. And I feel like I'm messing my whole life up over this one person but I feel like I can't see sense. I can't approach my shaykh as the imam involved is also bayt with my shaykh and he told him his side of the story and I also said mine he advised me to change my number etc which I have done but I feel like my heart is so corrupt. I try to forget him but I can't. I feel like I don't love my husband but only sticking by him because of our children. I feel so lost and broken and I feel like I'm destroying myself and humbly request your guidance


Q: A person passes away with three sons who inherit 33.33% each. Does this mean that they get ownership of 33.33% of each item? Or does it mean that they get full ownership of 1/3 of the items? If so, how is it decided which son gets which item?