Respect for the Ahlul Bayt
Q: I've been taught to follow the Quran and Sunnah. Many hadiths I've read say to follow Quran and Ahlul Bayt. Are those weak hadith or are there hadiths that say follow the Sunnah as well?
Q: I've been taught to follow the Quran and Sunnah. Many hadiths I've read say to follow Quran and Ahlul Bayt. Are those weak hadith or are there hadiths that say follow the Sunnah as well?
Q: My husband and I had an argument. He told me that he does not want me anymore. So I said that he must orally say he gives me three talaqs. He did not want to say it and I persisted and eventually he said it. Can we reconcile or what must we do?
Q: I feel so heart broken when my husband told me I must not wake him up for salaah or to remind him. He even told me he is already a sinner and halfway in his grave. I'm am obedient wife, always recite my Quran and went for pilgrimage. Should I just let him be to avoid any stress in our marriage.
Q: Is the exterior of an egg pure? Do we have to wash it?
Q: I got married at the age of 16 to a guy I didn't like. As i was still young, my parents decided that I would stay at my parents place and they will do my ruksati at the age of 20. I never stayed with my husband nor had any physical relationship with him. Meanwhile I fell in love with another guy and engaged in some sexual activities but I haven't done Zina. In 2015 I divorced my husband because I had no feelings for him and broke up with the other guy too. I know I have made such a big sin and repent all day and night. I want to do a fresh start, what should I do? And I want to get married again but getting no good suitor plz suggest me some dua.
Q: I started my connection with Allah from 2015 but sometimes I feel very empty like such kind of things come in my mind that I cannot tell... May Allah forbid... Sometimes I feel like I am on the edge of leading to kufr and than I say Astaghfirullah my life is very messed up. I love a guy but I left him without saying a word to him because I knew that its haram so I left.. but now all the memories come to my mind and I cry for hours and hours.. I want to talk to him but I cant because its haram... What should I do? I have no friend that I can share my feelings with her. I do tell all my worries to Allah but as I am a human, sometimes I need someone to talk to me too. I miss him so much. What should I do?
Q: I would like to know if a lady is expecting and her waters break but it takes a few salaah times before she actually gives birth, is salaah fardh on her during this time? Will she be regarded as a ma'zoor and have to make wudhu and read salaah during the labour process untill the baby is born?
Q: When going on a motor bike after it rains, some water splashes come on to the lower side of my pants from the tyres, is it pure or impure? Can we offer Salah while wearing it?
1. Is it necessary to wash the area from where a blackhead is removed?
2. I often get pimples on my face and other parts of my body I heard that the pus that comes out of the pimple is impure, does it means that I have to wash the area after it came out or just remove it with the help of tissue paper? If it is necessary to wash then if a pimple burst on my right cheek or forehead, how to wash it (just put some water on that area or to wash my whole face).
3. Sometime blood also comes after the pus and after it stops a white water like fluid comes out what is ruling about it? Do I have to wash it or just use tissue paper to remove it?
4. Often pimple burst while taking ritual bath (Ghusal) What to do then? Sometimes blood or pus takes a lot of time to stop i.e. it keeps coming out in small amounts, what to do then?
Q: I read this somewhere:
By Sunnah is meant that the tradition of Hazrat Ebrahim (alaihis salaam)'s religion which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instituted among his followers as religion after reviving and reforming it and after making certain additions to it. Is it correct?