Showing good character

Q: So, one of my cousins accuses me of talking negative about her behind her back at the time we were good, I'm not that close to my cousins who live locally near me although I want to be, so I was close with this one cousin she accused me of talking negative about her behind her back and she didn't give me time to explain and ignored me, I never once talked negative about her behind her back, before she ignored me she finished the chat saying she wants to cut me out of her life forever, months later my parents tried to get her and me to start talking again , she then told me that someone said that I had been backstabbing her, i was shocked since I never talk to anyone in my family (meaning cousins) and I wouldn't talk about her behind her back anyway , I then asked her what did I "supposedly say about you" as in what did this person say to you that I apparently had said , I also asked her who said this about me, she said No I can't tell you because I'm the Quran it says that breaking a promise whether it is bad or good is haram , I then said why would you tell me that someone said that I said something negative about you behind my back yet you won't tell me what they said or who they are ? Is it a bigger sin to cover up for another persons sin and not tell the victim what has been said? How am I meant to get self justice for myself. Till now my cousins still ignore and now have been arguing with my brother "exposing sins"

Taking interest bearing loans

Q: Can a Muslim take out a usuruous loan to support their family if they are living in conditions that are dangerous such as, if their home is being burglarized and living in a dangerous neighborhood filled with gangs and drugs? Is this a condition of zaroorah (necessity) or haajah (need)? Can one commit a major sin, dealing with Riba (Usury/Interest), in order to get his family away from these conditions. Please advise. 

Building an "events planning" website

Q: We are planning to build a website through which people can plan events like weddings, parties, programs, etc. Since this website is for both Muslims and non-Muslims, we also need to include services such as dance groups, DJ’s, photography for weddings, etc. booking services on this website. We don’t have any direct involvement in those activities as we only act as a mediator. The customer who visits this website can book any of the advertised services as they wish. We charge the clients advertising on this website a commission per booking. Some other services that will be advertised are catering, hall booking, mehndi designers, boutique designers, wedding cards developers, travelling services, light and sound services, stage decorators, etc. Is it permissible for us to include the haraam services (e.g. photography, dance groups, etc.) on our site?

Pictures and posters of animate objects


1. I want to put up posters and pictures of people and beings. However, I felt as if, putting up pictures of humans isnt allowed in Islam. Can you please tell me if it is, or is not allowed. And what are the conditions and terms on which i can put them up. Also is your answer the same for drawings? ( as I am very good at art and would like to continue drawing) I had asked two more learned persons of islam about this question, howeverI felt I should ask one more person just to make sure. They had said, if your drawing and posters, are of humans with full faces, it is not allowed, however if the drawing and posters, have half faces or missing human features, it is allowed as it is not the creation of Allah but rather a fragment of human imagination. Also they said, the more vague and abstract the picture is, and less detailed and defined, the better.

2. If i do put pictures of a person's back or a silhouette, or a picture of half of a person's face, is it allowed?

3. Also is your answer the same for animals as for humans ?

Maintaining a certain amount in one's bank account to avoid paying bank charges


1. If I have a FNB Islamic cheque account, and when I use swipe my cheque card I get E-Bucks, can I use this E-Bucks?

2. If not what can I do with it?

3. If FNB offers clients who maintains R50,000 as balance, then no bank charges will be charged, if the R50,000 balance is not maintained then a bank charge of R199 is charged, am I allowed to maintain the R50,000 and save on the bank charges? Or is this saving interest?