Is Jerusalem only for Jews?

Q: Is the holy land of Jerusalem only for Jews? May they be given place for their temple near Aqsa mosque? Is it only for jews? [17:104] After him, We said to the Children of Israel, "Inhabit the land, and when the promise of the Hereafter arrives, We will bring you all together."

Stray thoughts

Q: When I was waking up from sleep, I was dreaming something. I don't remember the dream but I remember thinking 'Allah ke qadam choom lo'. I don't remember whether I said it out loud or not. Is Allah attributed with feet? Is this a statement of kufr or not?

Showing equal love and attention to one's children

Q: I want to know that if a child was expected to do certain things (provide,work etc) for the family by a certain age even when having other responsibilities isn't it only fair to expect all the other children, when they reach that age to be expected to do the same (especially since they have lesser responsibility than the first child did) as in Islam all the children should be treated equally, so just like they will have give driving lessons to the others as they did for the first child the same way the other children should be expected to do the same chores and work for the family the way the first child did.

Company not allowing one to go for Jumuah Salaah

Q: I'm currently working in a company and my director doesn't permit us to go out of institute to offer jumma prayer. We are only 6-7 Muslims in the whole institute. And the masjid which is nearest, we could not hear its adhan. Can we offer jumma in jamaat in which one person would say azan and one person would be an imam and he'd read khutba. We can offer namaz in a pantry room. Is it permissible or going to masjid is mandatory?