Attending Ghadats

Q: If family members are having a ghedat/family get together the ghedat will start at 11 and they will finish off at 12:30 So then lunch will be at 12:30 will it be permissible to attend the lunch only?

Working for American Corporations

Q: I have a job offer from an American Corporation (group of companies) which mainly deals with oil, gas and petroleum industry around the world (about 95% of its business is with this sector). This company has many subdivisions. My work will be in a sub division of the company that only deals with oil, gas and petroleum equipment and customers in the middle east only. But I also came to know that one of the subdivisions of this company in USA/UK makes equipment for naval forces of western military. This business would be not more than 3-4 % of their total earnings. I will not be working in this division at all! Is it okay to accept the offer with the oil, gas and petroleum division and work for this company.

Processing fee for a loan

Q: One of the banks in my residence country is offering a short term interest free loan. I am only interested in using this loan because it is interest free. It has a fixed processing fees (1 % of the amount of loan) and a onetime fixed insurance fees to be paid. Can you please advise, if it is alright to utilize this loan.

Doubting one's imaan

Q: Ever since I was young I wasn't that close to Allah but I started sining and decided that I will repent to Allah and inshallah he will forgive me I started praying doing good deeds after exactly a month from doing tawbuh I started getting doubts it ruined my entire life until I went online and found that the companions of our prophet Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam had doubts and the prophet told them that this is pure iman so I wanted to make sure if I'm on the correct path or not or Allah will punish me for doubts and what can I do to let them go.

Marital problems

Q: After 1 day of our marriage, my husband has told everyone that he doesn't liked me as it was an arranged marriage. However he saw me after engagement and was satisfied but now after marriage he says he will not live with me.he does not come home and sleeps in another room,dont even look at me and not reply my salam.I haven't told my family about me.My inlaws behave good with me and they all like me.what should i do?

Disposing of interest money from different bank accounts

Q: I have 5 bank accounts in india and all are giving interest on my deposited money. when i got interest i will write in my diary date and amount and after all banks have given interest i will add and sent all the amount to charity like patient or orphan for education etc. but this amount i will sent from one bank. my question is my method do doing interest money is correct or shall i withdraw cash from each bank separtely and pay for charity. please expplain the right method of interest payment.

Black magic

Q: I wanted to know if black spirit exists? I sometimes feel pains in my whole body like someone is doing magic on me. There is a guy I know he's my class mate but when I think of him unintentionally I feel fearful. I can't even hear his voice even I can't look at him I don't know but I think he has done some magic on me. I'll be very thankful if you help me ...