Imaamat of a non-baaligh child

Q: My query is regarding the hadeeth of the child Sahaabi who performed salaah behind Nabi Sallaallahu alaihi wasallam and then went to his tribe and led the people in salaah.

1. Can the exact hadeeth be given with the references.

2. Is it permissible to use this hadeeth as a proof for a child being allowed to do imamat (albeit for taraweeh)

3. If possible, what is the fatwa of the A'imma Arba'a with regards to the above maslah.

I only ask this as recently in a musjid, naa baaligh children were allowed by the mutawalli of the musjid to lead the taraweeh salaah.

Purchasing land on one's brother's name

Q: I purchased a land combined with my brother and my name with my money which he knows, later again I purchased a land in both names with my money which he does not know. Now if we sell both land combinedly signed then what is the ruling about sold money? According to Islamic law, is he entitled to get the share of sold money? If he is entitled to get, then he will get share of total land or the share of land part he knows ? It is mentioned that with the intention to live together in same city I purchased the land in both name but after he got married then he is no more interested to live here and living in separate city with his family.

Threading one's eyebrows

Q: My husband really wants me to thread my eyebrows. Unless I thread/shape my eyebrows than I feel he may cheat or look at other women. Hence affect the marriage. I was told we shud obey our husbands except if he stops women from doing farz things for Allah. I am confused, in such cases am I allowed to thread/shape my eyebrows, otherwise I know the prophet curses the women who shapes her eyebrows. I don't know what to do.

Answers to Shias

Q: Recently I met up with a friend and started having the discussion about Islam. My friend identifies as a Shi'a and myself as a Sunni. During this discussion there has been some questions that have been bothering me. (Note: We weren't yelling or arguing with each other, we were discussing our viewpoints on certain topics and we were able to talk to each other respectfully.)

1. If Allah states in the Qur'an if you divide the religion of Islam then you have nothing to do with the prophet (6:156), then how are we suppose to decide how to follow our religion? Is it wrong to identify as a sunni or shia? Is it wrong to follow the practices our Imams showed us?

2. The significance of Hz Omar (RA) that lead to the modern day Sunnis. Does his changes in Islamic practice permissible or sinful? (i.e. changing how we pray and tarawih prayer)

3. Whats the importance of tarawih prayer?

4. What is the Sunni perspective of the 12 Imams (the descendants of our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

5. There's a Hadith/Qur'an verse regarding the ablution and a word that says 'wipe' instead of wash our feet. Does that mean washing our feet mean we are performing ablution wrong?

6. Why Shi'a Muslims dislike the other three companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

7. Was Hz Ali (RA) literate? 

Marital problems

Q: I am a lecturer professionally in a reputable university and married since 1.5 years. This is my husband's second marriage. My father passed away few years back so my mother got me married bcoz at that time these people committed to make me happy at any cost and my husband personally talked to my family and took em in confidence. So after marriage I served my in laws a lot even like a servant after coming from job. Just coz my husband got happy with it and after marriage job of my husband finished so I helped him financially too. But after some time he started to abuse me and degrade me even to beat me coz of his parents they were just doing the same as they did with first lady that I heard from their family. But at the same time when I try to go back to my home my husband start to cry that he'll die if I leave him. When I agree to not to leave he again start the same from very next day. With so after 1 year of this I talked to his phuphoo who is a good lady by nature and she suggested me to have sitting with all family members of both and separate your kitchen. They agreed upon it coz if they don't do so they can be separated from their family coz they tried to save his home first time also but this time if he would not agree all family members of them decided to cut off. So now I cook separately but from that day my husband don't eat from what I cook he eat from their parents home. He pretend to be full when I serve him food. He quarrel with e on every minor issue . he force me to go to mom house for long so he could spend more time with his family. I took stretagy that I don't go any where . I remain at home get ready before he come . cook meal before he come . spend my own money to run home. Bt he don't feel comfortable to stay with me. Even in his medical report he is not capable of being father there are only 5% chances. BT I don't blame him for this and want to stay with him . coz oifsprinfs are with Allah's will. I don't want to get divorce coz I know what this society treat with a separated woman. Iam doing PhD as well and successful otherwise professionally . some times I thought he is in complex bt some time it seems that he is and his family is criminal that they ruin our lives . even I spend eid days without him holidays weekends without him . ciz he want to stay with his family. and when I complained he stared to cry that I don't leave him . give him freedom to go to his family and ask me for God' s sake to stay here may be if he leave me his family ll also not pay attention to him so he realise it bt don't think upon it . I have sympathies with him . I don't want to leave him . he is a good person otherwise don't smoke or any bad habit just possessed by his family's pressure even he is big one at home . BT afraid of his small sisters . you please tell what should I do . I remain alone all the day and some times at night. Don't have babies . don't get love from him. What Islam says should I be patient ? And for how much time? Or what are the other ways?