Culture in Islam

Q: Culture as you have asked me to explain is a certain way of life found amongst a particular group of people you find themselves connected either through parenthood (ancestor) or sharing of common interest. Such like its the culture of the Arab to give their new babies for breastfeeding. With the above explanaition: What is the rule of culture in Islam?

Meaning of Haneef

Q: What is the religion known as Hanif? I know it is related to Hazrat Ibrahim AS. There was a website saying that we should follow Hanif Islam (the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim AS). At that moment I thought angrily and in disgust that there should be no other religion in Islam that should be followed. Have I done kufr by belittling the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim AS?

Parents preventing their son from waking up for tahajjud

Q: I am 19 years old (male), staying in hostel for my studies. I am planning to wake up at 3:00am for reading tahajjud and not to sleep until completing my isha prayer execpt <60 sec nap after my lunch. My parents said you are young boy waking up alone in hostel room at that time my cause some problems, so don't wake up at that time, I think they are fearing of supernatural powers (jinns) etc... So plz give me suitable advice