Donating blood
Q: Is it permissible to donate blood?
Q: Is it permissible to donate blood?
Q: An orthodontist does braces for the teeth. Some patients are brought to him by people saying that these are people worthy of Zakaat, do their treatment and you can count it as you giving Zakaat money to the value of the treatment. However, there doesn't seem to be tamleek here. How can he do the treatment for these poor patients and count it as Zakaat?
Q: I want to ask some wazifa for the success of my marital life because I am much worried nowadays. And I'm living without my husband nowadays. He was giving very tough time to me from after 20 days of marriage. Please tell me some Islamic wazifa that he become mold towards me.
Q: In a bathroom, if one puts the toilet in a cubicle which has a door upto neck height, then in the rest of the bathroom e.g. wudhu khana, can one read the duas etc with Allah's name? How high does the toilet door have to be?
Q: Can a person sit and read taraweeh without a valid excuse, just because he is feeling tired or his back is paining a bit?
Q: If a person is on jamaat, and is a musafir technically but once reaches e.g. Cape Town just travelling from masjid to masjid not very lengthy distances, then will he be sinful for leaving out sunnah muakkadah salaah?
Q: Does all pots of wuzoo including lotay, shower, doors and sometimes plastic pipe which are wet by water are clean and paak? Can we use these things without hesitation or we need some special things to use them?
Q: Can we name our second boy Muhammad Hamdaan Thakur? Our first son's name is Muhammad Fawwaz Thakur.
Q: I don't concentrate on my studies, what to do?
Q: I am 41 years old. I got married 10 years ago. I have a daughter 9 years old and son 4 years. My wife is patient of multiple sclerosis. She has been sluggish since marriage. She cannot manage home and family matters. I am over burden as am job doing person. I want to opt second marriage and will keep first one with me. Please guide me what Islam says on this.